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"You have something to say? You look like a creep." Reaper said scoffing, averting her gaze past him.

"That's my towel." He said straightforwardly, not moving his suffocating dark eyes.

Reaper looked down and back up, shrugging her shoulders. "Get used to sharing I guess." She turns her back on him, walking away nonchalantly.

Ghost ridiculed her ego under his breath, about to leave until he was stopped.

"You're injured?" he scorned at the wound, a small smile could be made out from beneath his mask, mocking the girl as she turned back around. Their unloving dark eyes met once more.

"Are you gonna give me a lecture as well, costume guy?"

For someone as short tempered as Ghost, arguing with someone just as short tempered wasn't good. His eyes became more threatening as Reaper could see his eyebrows now lidded.

"Watch your tone sergeant. Keep in mind that I'm still your superior."

Reaper stood, blinking and jeering with her eyes. "Get over yourself. There's another 100 days before Halloween you clown." Reaper waved her hand, turning around and reaching for the bathroom door handle.

Ghost grabbed her by her wrist, turning her over and slamming her into the wall beside the door, leaning in.

"Reaper, I'm warning you. Don't test my authority any further." The tall man was now covering her as her difference in size from him was not compatible. Ghost took his free arm, grazing it just below her chin on her neck, choking her lightly.

Reaper despised being bossed around. she already had a hard time holding herself back from the old man who had taken all his anger out on her just moments earlier.

She took the hand he held on to, pushing herself from the wall, back kicking him in his abdomen, making his grip around her wrist loosen.

The man let out a small groan, looking up even more unrecognizable. Perhaps, he would really kill her.

"The next time you pull some shit off like that, i'll really slit your throat."

Reaper took her eyes off of the crouching man, entering the bathroom. She could hear his heavy and angry footsteps walking down the hallway into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Reaper had spent for what seemed like hours in the shower, not being able to bring herself to leave the warm comforting water she hadnt had in so long.

*Knock Knock*

Reaper jumped at the loud banging toward the door, almost making her lose her balance and fall.

"Sergeant, get the hell out! Did you forget we all share this bathroom?!"

Reaper recognized that voice in an instant. The same nauseating deep tone. She turned off the water, she knew for a fact that she's been in here way too long. It was probably 0300 by now.

She moved the shower curtains, stepping out onto the bare chilly floor. despite its uncomfortable temperature, Reaper wasn't at all bothered. She's lived in environments worse than this.

Reaper could hear Ghost sighing and others murmuring from outside the door as she wrapped the towel around her. She limped to the door handle, unlocking it, and opening it, revealing Ghost, Soap, and Gaz. Yet her eyes only focused on Ghost. He no longer had the halloween mask on but there still remained his black balaclava.

✗ FATE, s 'ghost' rileyWhere stories live. Discover now