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"Oh, right." The woman said as if she remembered something awfully important.


"I need clothes."

"...yes, of course. We'll have that situated."

"Thank you." She said as she stood up.

Price looked over to the men beside the wall. "Go show her to her room. Give her a tour of the base while you're at it." He orders, shooing them off with his hands. The man with the short mohawk seemed the most eager to do so. He was the most talkative and kept the lead the whole way.

He led her out of the room and down the hallway with the other 2 men following behind.

She was met again with the living room and tv she saw a few minutes earlier. again, she turned left but away from the kitchen down another hallway with more doors.

On the wall to her left, had 3 doors. The wall in front of her had one, and the short wall on her right also had one. Soap informed her the door on the left closest to her was his room, the middle one was gaz's, and the last one, farthest from you was ghost's. Reaper's valid guess was her room would be the one in front of her and the room on the right would be the bathroom. The tour finished quickly and she was now waiting in her room for the clothes she had asked for.

Her room was simple. It was about a square shape yet uneven. She had a bed all the way in the left corner of the room beside a nightstand. Her dresser was on the opposite of the room whilst a tv sat on top. In the middle of the room had a rusty wooden desk beside a standup mirror. She quickly began to inspect the room before lowering her guard.

*knock knock*

Reaper quickly rushed to the door, opening it wide and it revealed soap. He smiled and handed her a bag.

"Here. These are some of the clothes we were able to get you. There's also some other supplies. You'll get your gear in the room near the captain's office when we go on missions. You can go in there later on to pick what weapons you want in the meantime"

Reaper nodded, taking the heavy black duffle bag from his hands and closing the door. She didn't hesitate to quickly go through it and see what would be the most convenient to change into at the moment. The bag had her uniform and other equipment needed to complete it. She set those aside and continued to rummage through the thin bag.

She picked out a tight black long sleeve turtleneck and tucked it under some khaki cargos. She put on some white socks and black combat boots, lacing them swiftly. She sloppily sorted out the rest of the clothing into the dresser without a second thought and put the uniform on top of the surface, rushing out to the said room full of gear.

Inside the room, there were a variety of cases and weapons, lined up. Hlaing, with no time limit, went through them all. It had taken her about 4 hours to search everything that was held in the room. In the end, she found herself with a combat knife, Carbine, Single strap gun sling, and a handful of her grenades with all different purposes. She reached for a medium sized rucksack and stuffed all of the items into there, zipping it up and carrying it all on her back.

She could hear distant footsteps gradually getting closer to her, outside the room. She got on guard and turned to where the noise was coming from.

The door opened softly, revealing Gaz, geared up from head to toe. "You're getting ready? Was the word already delivered to you?" He said with open eyes.

Reaper couldn't put together his words. She tilted her head in confusion, blinking.

Gaz stood there embarrassed from the no response. "We have a mission at 19:00...We're gonna meet in the captain's office at 5." He finally said, mustering up the rest of his pride.

Reaper had then nodded her head, walking out of the room, passing Gaz, lightly brushing his shoulder. She didn't know Gaz well enough to share many words, especially since he wasn't anyone special.

Back in her room, she laid everything back out and looked at the clock on her nightstand reading the time, 1605. Time had flown by fast, leaving not much left over. She figured she would just get ready now.

She first took off her combat boots then reached for the top of the drawers by grabbing only a pair of black cargos. She tucked the shirt she was still wearing under the pants and secured it with a matching monochrome belt. She slid her combat knife into the pouch carefully connected to her belt and quickly wrapped the gun sling around her shoulder, attaching the gun to it. She reached on top of the drawers once again, reaching for a black fleece jacket, putting it on without hesitation, also tucking it under her pants. She then reached for a black vest, attaching it onto her, adding 30 lb to her weight.

Reaper went back to the duffle bag, searching through the rest of its pockets taking out a hair tie. She tied her hair into a bun then took the last item that laid on top of the dresser. She grabbed the helmet and attached it easily.

Although the woman had an additional dozen pounds added to her, she showed no signs of struggle and just looked at the clock. 16:28 it read. Reaper was 18 minutes late, she hadn't even realized how fast time went by. She hurriedly put back on her combat boots, put the rucksack on her back, and left.

When she got to Price's office, everyone was already there and geared up. She was grateful she had decided to do the same. Although those feelings disappeared when her eyes were met by a ghost, piercing right through her, almost warning her for her late behavior.

Price sat in his chair, sparing looks to all of the individuals upon him. "Intel came sooner than we had thought. The organization has been located." He said in a stern voice, looking directly at Reaper now.

"This last minute mission isn't provided with as much Information as we'd like, but we'll make it work. The goal of this mission is to capture their leader, Vito." This name wasn't familiar to Reaper, as she has never met this man but the feeling of him being acquainted with the people who have caused her suffering made her boil. "He's residing in a theater he had recently bought to do auctions. We want him alive, but if there's no other choice than to kill him, we'll do just that. Do you copy?"

"Yes, sir."

Price continued his message whilst passing out Walkie-Talkie's to everyone, "Team Alpha has a helicopter outside to transport you all there. Get moving 141."

The group of people turn to leave the room, although Hlaing ended up the last one out due to Ghost shoving her out of the way with his tall figure.

✗ FATE, s 'ghost' rileyWhere stories live. Discover now