"Have you no self-control?" Steve asked with a sigh.

"Yes, actually!" Emersyn exclaimed, picking herself up. "I'm using a lot of self-control to refrain from punching you right now."

Steve let out a sharp, exasperated breath through his nose. "Don't go running into a hallway where we can't see anything.." he scolded.

"Why not?" Emersyn scoffed. "Missions in the dark are always exciting. Why ruin it by being scared?"

Steve scoffed. "I'm not scared, I'm cautious."

"You're always cautious," Emersyn complained. "That's why every mission is so serious and boring; you never have any fun."

"The entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D has turned against us and Nick Fury was murdered..." Steve returned his voice to his grave, parenting tone. "Is that your definition of fun, Sharp?"

Emersyn froze and lost all playfulness in her tone. "Thanks for the reminder..."

"Just get in the elevator," Steve ordered.

She turned around to follow and saw Natasha had already scanned the keypad for fingerprints to get a code. The phone highlighted the numbers where ancient hands previously pressed, and she entered the combination to open the doors. Natasha stood, staring them down with arms crossed. "When are you two gonna stop bickering and focus?"

Emersyn stepped into the elevator, shrugging. "He started it."

"You are such a child," Natasha sighed.

Steve pushed past Emersyn, more aggressive than necessary, and clicked the elevator button to go down. Metal cables quivered and gave high-pitched sounds that joined the groaning of old machinery coming to life. As they dropped, the building seemed to creak with every movement, and the small smudged glass windows in the shaft only showed endless darkness. After several loud screeches of metal, the elevator slowed to a halt and let out a ding to announce their arrival. The trio's breaths were stuck in their throat as they watched quietly to see what was on the other side. The doors opened painfully slow to reveal a blank, pitch-black expanse; it was completely void, with a powerful silence that seemed to glue their lips together. No one spoke.

Emersyn felt a shiver crawl up her spine as she gazed into the abyss, apprehensive of the chilling quiet. The silence made her uncomfortable, so she murmured, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Steve and Natasha stepped forward with wary feet, gazing around with attentive eyes that strained to see in the dark. Their footsteps were barely audible, even in the deathly still room. Emersyn followed, gazing at many bright, multicolored electronic lights twinkling in the distance.

"No one got my Star Wars reference?" Emersyn asked.

"I did, I just didn't respond to it," Natasha replied in a hushed voice, still looking around the room.

"I don't think I've gotten to that movie yet..." Steve muttered.

"Grandpa..." Emersyn said under her breath.

"What was that?" Steve snapped.

"Nothing," She said innocently.

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