Lost Chapter

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Hello, author here 🙋‍♂️
My writer's block finally dissapeared after a few months and I got an idea to write smut and I chose to make a bonus chapter to this book. However, as I said, some time passed and I'm not gonna lie, I kinda forgot some details about the characters, so I'm sorry in advance if something is incorrect. Also no idea where we are on the timeline, but they're together already.
That's it, I hope you enjoy <3

Michelle's POV

I opened the door of my apartment. I knew Lora was supposed to be home earlier than usual. Toby was staying at his friend's house. I couldn't wait to spend the evening with my lover.

When I left my coat on the hook, I went to the kitchen and poured some orange juice into a glass. I drank it, finally getting rid of the dry feeling in my throat from talking too much and being thirsty. I had a really busy day, it only made me want to finally see Lora even more.

I wanted to go to the living room and search for Lora, when I realised something felt odd. She had a habit of greeting me immediately after I opened the door, and the other way around. So it was very weird, considering that a few minutes already passed since I got inside.

What if Lora wasn't home? I sighed heavily, feeling a bit dissapointed I'll propably have to wait for my partner to get home.

Suddenly I heard a rumble coming out of the bathroom. I remembered I should wash my hands and tried to pull the door. It was locked.

"Lora?! Are you in there?"

"Yes! Give me a moment, please!"

"Why you didn't come out to me earlier?"

I heard laughter coming from behind the door.

"Darling, I think I already did that a long time ago."

"I meant... You always greet me at the door right?"

I rolled my eyes at the sudden silence and decided to go to our bedroom to take my jewellery off, because the necklaces started to feel a bit too heavy.

I placed them in their place and stopped suddenly, just as I was about to leave the room. I walked closer to the white pile of tissues laying on the floor at Lora's side of the bed.

I smiled to myself. There were only two options what happened in here and I already had a feeling which one it was. She was either sick or she was pleasuring herself when I was absent.

I knocked on the bathroom's door and finally they opened. Lora was inside, just casually brushing her hair.

"What have you been doing before I got home?"

I tilted my head, unpatiently waiting for her to speak.

"I ate some pasta from yesterday. Then I watched a movie and finally I decided to take a shower."

Her voice was normal, she wasn't coughing or anything. I decided to play with her a bit.

"Watch a movie? What was it about?"

She placed the hair brush in its place and turned her back to me, pretending she was searching for something.

"I don't remember, I didn't really pay attention to it honestly."

She muttered, still not wanting to look into my eyes. Oh how adorable she was when she was trying to hide her embarasment.

"What distracted you so much, darling?"

I grabbed her shoulder, making her turn around. I did it a bit too harshly, based on the sudden fear in her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Did you masturbate? It's fine, Lora. You can do it, I'm just sad you didn't want to wait for me..."

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