Chapter 1

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Michelle's POV

One, two,, two, three... Fuck!

I don't really know why I started counting my steps, but I had to stop because I broke the rules: I stood on the line. I stared at my black, leather boots and I realized that I propably walked way too far than I planned. Well, Zu's gonna be happy. I looked around, searching for Zu, my dog. I adopted her a month ago, but she seemed to really like and trust me. She had black fur with some lighter spots on her neck. People at the shelter said that she's a mix of german shepherd.

I heard steps behind me and turned to see that smiley face. She had her tongue sticking out of her mouth. I rewarded her for coming to me with a snack and continued to walk. Even though I moved here only a few weeks ago, I've already explored the surroundings.

I was passing by the church when I remembered my mother. The reason why I wanted to escape Lyon so much, that I ended up in completely new country: Germany. The only thing I was thankfull for, was that she made me learn german in highschool.

It was honestly funny that when I thought about her I instatly connected it with the church. To say she was religious would be an underestimatement. But it didn't bother me that much as a kid. We just, instead of spending time together, went to church every weekend and sometimes even after I finished school. She was the only family I had, my father passed way when I was only a few years old and I didn't have any siblings.

But one day, I made a huge mistake. As a confused and lost teenage girl, I came out as a lesbian to my mother. Then I realised that I might actually be pansexual, but I didn't want to complicate things even more. She didn't even try to understand or just talk with me how I felt. She thought I'm broken and need fixing. She dragged me with her to "therapists" and priests. Of course it didn't change anything, but I pretended to only like boys so she'll finally leave that subject alone.

Zu's barking made me come back to reality. She was barking at a cat across the street. I put her on a leash and decided to go to the shop nearby. I wanted to buy something I could take as my lunch to work. I felt that my guts twisted at that thought. First day at new work. My first job. I can't tell that I'm not stressed.

To be honest, I didn't really know what I was supposed to do there, I only knew that it was very popular company. They were searching for young people that finished law college aka me. I haven't met the boss yet. I only heard that they're really mean. So it was pretty natural reaction that I was nervous, wasn't it?

I picked up a yoghurt and an energy drink. I saw Zu, waiting before the shop , staring into my soul through the window so I went to the pets' section and picked up a bag of her favourite food. When I was waiting in the line when I heard someone cursing behind me. I turned around, pissed off but I saw a blonde woman, struggling to hold all the packages with biscuits. Some even fell from the highest shelf.

I caught one that almost fell on the ground and helped her fix the mess.

"Thank you."

She turned to me for the first time and I saw... a godness. Her long, light hair was a little messed up, but her make up was perfect. She gave me a soft smile that showed her perfect white teeth. I felt ashamed about my messed up make up and simple clothes. She was wearing a coat, propably from expensive brand.

I realised that I have to look like a freak and tried to speak.

"No problem. You have a nice coat by the way."

"Thank you sweetheart."

Have I mentioned that she looked like she was in her fourties? To put it shortly: she gave me a gay panic.

"I think it's your turn."

She gestured at the irritated cashier.

"Oh right. Goodbye."

I didn't catch it if she answered me, because I quickly left, my cheeks red as tomatoes.

I unfastened the leash and walked across the street. I stopped near the trash can and light up the last cigarette I had left in the pack. I cursed, realising I haven't bought the next one. I decided to wait so that beauty could leave the store. I prefered to avoid meeting her again.

I saw that she left the store and walked up to her car. It was elegant and expensive like everything about her. I smiled to myself like an idiot. Suddenly I saw that a man was sitting next to her. He kissed her cheek and they left.

I threw the cigarette away and called Zu. I have a terrible taste, I know.

In the morning I completely forgot about that event.

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