Chapter 1 - Unseen Powers and Departure

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As he reached the end of the passage, another source of light beckoned him forward. Speaking another word of magic, his appearance transformed, his aging visage replaced by that of a graceful and handsome elf. Though his robes remained white, his new form exuded an ethereal youth and irresistible charm.

The room he entered was dark, humid, and devoid of windows, with a low ceiling pressing down upon the space. Barrels and supplies lay covered in spiderwebs and thick layers of dust, giving the cellar the appearance of disuse. Yet, amidst this forgotten realm, one detail stood out-a figure of radiant beauty, an elleth, reclined against a small bed, illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

Her long, wavy midnight hair cascaded around a delicate face, her features embodying the timeless grace of the Firstborn. Clad in a simple grey gown, she sang a lullaby to her swollen abdomen, her voice filled with tenderness and love. Upon Saruman's arrival, her eyes sparked with delight, and she struggled to sit up, her anticipation evident.

"Curumo, my love!" she exclaimed, her voice a melody of joy and longing.

Saruman took a seat beside her, holding her slender hand in his own. Leaning in, he kissed her lips gently, his eyes filled with affection. "My Dearest, Nórisilmë. How fares our little one?"

A radiant smile curved Nórisilmë's lips, adding to the glow that emanated from her. "She is so very full of life," she answered, her voice filled with a mother's pride and happiness.

Saruman, disguised as the enchanting elf, gazed at Nórisilmë with feigned affection, his eyes reflecting a semblance of love that was nothing but a deceitful mirage. His lips curled into a smile, masking the treacherous thoughts that swirled within his mind. He relished the power he held over her, the ability to manipulate her emotions and ensnare her heart in his carefully woven web of lies.

He leaned closer, his voice dripping with honeyed words. "Ah, my beloved Nórisilmë, to see you in such radiant beauty is a balm to my weary soul. Our child, a beacon of hope in these troubled times, shall surely inherit the grace and wisdom of the Eldar."

Nórisilmë's eyes gleamed with adoration as she gently placed a hand on her burgeoning belly. "Indeed, my love," she murmured softly, her voice filled with awe and tenderness. "I feel her stir within me, a precious gift that grows stronger with each passing day."

Saruman, the master of manipulation, continued his charade, intertwining his fingers with Nórisilmë's delicate hand. "Our bond, my dearest, is one that transcends the boundaries of time. I am but a vessel for your boundless affection, forever enchanted by your grace."

As he spoke these words, his mind wandered to his true intentions. Nórisilmë, unknowingly carrying the seed of his deceit, was but a pawn in his grand scheme for power. She was a means to an end, a tool to secure his ascendance to the throne of Middle-earth.

Nórisilmë's face lit up with longing and vulnerability. "Curumo, my love," she murmured, her voice filled with innocence. "Tell me of the lands beyond our humble abode. Paint me a picture of the wonders and beauty that lie beyond these stone walls."

Saruman, ever the wordsmith, began to weave an intricate tapestry of tales, describing lush forests, sparkling rivers, and majestic mountains. His words carried her away to a realm of dreams, where they wandered together hand in hand, far from the darkness that awaited them.

But in the recesses of his mind, Saruman plotted and schemed, his heart blackened with ambition. Nórisilmë, oblivious to his true nature, hung onto his every word, entranced by the illusion of love he spun around her.

Saruman's whispered incantation resonated through the stale air of the cellar, the ancient words vibrating with an undercurrent of dark power. The room seemed to shudder in response, as if acknowledging the wickedness of the spell being cast.

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐼 𝐵𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝒴𝑜𝓊 (Legolas Love Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα