Ep.4 (5/5)

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Jungwon's heart raced as he stood at the open gate, his eyes locked onto Y/n. She looked surprised, her voice calling out to him.


He managed to stammer, "The gate was open."

Concerned across her face, Y/n urged, "What are you doing here? Go home."

Just then, Y/n's dad appeared on the scene, casting a stern eye at the uninvited guest.

"Hey, who are you, boy?"

Maintaining his composure, Jungwon replied politely, "Good evening. I'm Y/n's schoolmate."

Y/n's dad continued his inquiry, now with a touch of suspicion, "Who are your parents? What are you doing at a girl's house this late at night? It's not appropriate. Who are you?"

With a calm demeanor, Jungwon introduced himself, "I'm Jungwon. Yang Jungwon."

Y/n's dad's eyes widened as he recognized the name from the TV. He pointed at Jungwon, confirming, "Yes, that's me."

After a moment of realization, Y/n's family decided to let Jungwon inside their home.

"Well... Mr. Jungwon, would you prefer coffee, tea, or me?" Y/n's dad asked with a hint of humor.

Jungwon, ever the gentleman, replied, "Hot tea, please."

Y/n's mom seemed determined to fulfill his request despite the late hour and instructed her son, Minjun, to make it happen.

"Minjun! We only have iced tea. Get it out, and we'll microwave it. Hurry up. Hurry, hurry."

Y/n couldn't help but react with embarrassment. "My dear family," she mumbled, placing a hand on her forehead.

Meanwhile, at Uncle Ga's flower shop, the lights were dimmed as he prepared to close up for the night. Niki and Jay entered, determined to catch Aera's attention.

"Excuse me," Niki began.

Uncle Ga, clearly annoyed by the late intrusion, quipped, "Can't you see that we... are open 24 hours?"

Aera was taken aback. "You're Aera, right?" Niki asked.

"How do you know I'm here?" Aera asked back.

Jay joined in, adding humor to the situation. "That isn't hard. Are you free, chipmunk? Let's have a meal."

Back at Y/n's house, the family gathered around the table, ready to eat. Y/n's dad proudly announced their meal choice.

"Here we go," he said. "We're eating the 18,997 set. The biggest one."

Minjun, Y/n's brother, couldn't resist a request for a taste. "May I have some, please?"

Jungwon observed the food and the plastic bag, calculating the cost, as Y/n had previously mentioned. Y/n's mom offered, "Mr. Jungwon, please have some. I'll add some more for you."

Jungwon finally dug in, dipping his food into the sauce. Y/n, always the considerate one, warned, "Careful, it's hot."

He tried the dish and couldn't help but express his delight, "It's delicious."

Y/n's family cheered in response, and her dad suggested they enjoy their meal. At his request, Y/n's mom turned on the old TV.

Y/n, now eager to know the reason for Jungwon's unexpected visit, inquired, "So, what are you doing here?"

Jungwon, still enjoying the food, deflected her question with a warm smile. "Let's eat first."

Y/n, though persistent, decided to give in and join the family for their meal. However, her brother Minjun couldn't resist stealing a piece of her pork. Y/n quickly reprimanded him, "That's my pork! You steal another piece of pork. Mom, look at him. He took my pork."

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