Ep.1 (5/5)

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Y/n's father's words lingered in the air, carrying a sense of warmth and understanding. He revealed that her mother had purchased the new shoes using her own savings, a testament to her unwavering love and concern for their daughter's well-being. Her mother, believing in horoscopes, held the belief that Y/n's struggles at the new school stemmed from her worn-out shoes.

Listening intently, Y/n absorbed her father's heartfelt explanation. The realization that her mother had made such a sacrifice touched her deeply. It was a reminder that love transcended material possessions and that her family's support was immeasurable, regardless of their financial circumstances.

With a gentle smile, her father encouraged her to try on the new shoes. Y/n hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within her. But with her father's unwavering support, she gathered the courage to take off her old shoes and slip her feet into the new ones.

As she stood up, Y/n felt an instant shift in her demeanor. The shoes hugged her feet snugly, providing a sense of comfort and confidence she hadn't experienced in a while. It was as if she had found her footing once again.

Her father's voice continued, assuring her that their family didn't need to be wealthy in material possessions because they were rich in love and unity. Their bond was their greatest strength, capable of carrying them through any hardship that came their way.

Moved by her father's words, Y/n couldn't contain her emotions any longer. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized how fortunate she was to have such a supportive family by her side. In that moment, her father and younger brother rallied around her, offering words of encouragement and reassurance.

With their unwavering support, Y/n's spirit soared, renewed with a sense of determination. She made a silent vow to herself, determined to walk on, no matter the challenges she faced. Armed with her family's love and the newfound confidence bestowed by the new shoes, she was ready to face whatever came her way.

In that tender moment of connection, Y/n felt a profound gratitude for the love and sacrifices her family made on her behalf. Their belief in her abilities and their unwavering support provided a beacon of strength, guiding her forward on her journey through Kocher High School.

 Their belief in her abilities and their unwavering support provided a beacon of strength, guiding her forward on her journey through Kocher High School

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Y/n's heart raced as she watched her shoe being tossed around like a mere plaything by the students. Her frustration grew with each passing moment, fueled by the realization that the game was far from over. The relentless messages flooding the school's group chat only intensified her determination to put an end to this madness.

Summoning her courage, Y/n raised her voice, shouting for them to stop. Ignoring the curious gazes of onlookers, she dashed after the students, her sole focus on retrieving her shoe. The chase led them outside, where the abandoned stadium stood, a stark backdrop to the unfolding scene.

The students continued their game of keep-away, taunting Y/n with her own shoe. Determined not to be defeated, she persevered, pleading for them to return it. But just as she thought she might reach her shoe, a foot stepped on it, halting her progress.

Looking up, Y/n's eyes locked with Jungwon, the enigmatic leader of F4. His presence loomed over the chaotic scene, his expression a mixture of boredom and indifference. The rest of F4 watched from behind, observing the encounter with intrigue, while Heeseung's worried gaze caught Y/n's attention.

Without breaking eye contact, Jungwon raised her shoe for everyone to see. His words cut through the air, his tone dripping with condescension. He questioned why they were playing with something he deemed as trash, emphasizing the need for proper disposal and placement.

Y/n's frustration transformed into determination, fueling her defiance. She stepped closer to Jungwon, her eyes blazing with resolve. Ignoring the whispers and murmurs around them, she reached out to reclaim her shoe. But Jungwon, ever the master of manipulation, withdrew his arm, denying her access.

The air grew heavy with tension as Jungwon, driven by his desire to assert dominance, took out a knife and cut through Y/n's shoe. The other students, fueled by a twisted sense of amusement, erupted in laughter, reveling in the spectacle before them. Y/n clenched her fists, determined to hold back her tears, refusing to give Jungwon the satisfaction of seeing her break.

As the blade sliced through her shoe, Y/n's heart wavered, but her spirit remained resolute. She understood the message Jungwon was trying to convey, his attempt to belittle her worth. Yet, she refused to succumb to his cruelty. With every cut, she felt a surge of determination growing within her.

Jungwon locked eyes with Y/n, his expression a mix of smug satisfaction and superiority. He taunted her, asking if she finally understood his message. With a dismissive gesture, he threw the shoe aside, treating it as though it were nothing more than trash. The students around them joined in his laughter, their mocking voices echoing through the deserted stadium.

Undeterred, Y/n mustered her strength and moved to retrieve her now-tattered shoe. She refused to let Jungwon's cruel actions define her. Each step she took resonated with defiance, a powerful symbol of her refusal to be discarded and her determination to rise above their oppressive world.

Heeseung watched the scene unfold, a mix of conflicting emotions swirling within him. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of remorse, witnessing the pain Y/n endured at the hands of Jungwon and the callousness of their peers. Deep down, he longed for a different outcome, a world where kindness triumphed over cruelty.

Y/n slipped her foot into the cut-through shoe, the jagged edges a reminder of the battles she had faced. She stood tall, defying the expectations placed upon her. But as she prepared to face Jungwon once more, he approached her with a sneer, eager to further degrade her.

"Hey, are you going to wear that trash?" Jungwon jeered, his words laced with derision. He closed the distance between them, confident in his power over her. But Y/n's determination burned brighter than ever.

With a sudden burst of strength, Y/n turned around, surprising everyone, including Jungwon himself. She unleashed a swift and powerful kick to his stomach, sending him toppling to the ground. Gasps filled the air as the mighty leader of F4 was brought down by Y/n's defiance.

Jungwon, struggling to regain his composure, demanded to know what she was doing. But Y/n, fueled by a newfound resolve, straddled him, gripping his collar tightly. Her voice quivered with a mix of anger and determination as she confronted him.

"I won't give you the satisfaction of seeing me give up," she declared, her voice trembling but resolute. "I will fight against whatever you throw my way. I refuse to be silenced or broken by your cruelty."

Niki, Jay, and Heeseung watched in awe, their admiration for Y/n swelling within their hearts. They felt a surge of pride witnessing her fearless defiance, inspired by her unwavering spirit.

As Y/n and Jungwon locked eyes, their breaths heavy and labored, a powerful silence enveloped them. In that moment, the battle lines were drawn, a clash between two individuals determined to assert their will and find their place in a world that sought to keep them confined.

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