Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Saber knocked on the now locked door as she brought the items Issei had asked of her.
The door clicked and Issei in slightly ruffled clothing oppened the door a little.
"Thank you Saber, now please go wait somewhere in the building kay? Electricity works already so do whatever!"
Issei said as he snatched what he needed and closed the door again.
Without hesitation Saber turned and started waking away. However her face was settled into a frown.
Was it just her, or did Issei's clothing seemed bloody?


'Yup, she noticed.'
Issei's mind was blank as Saber left.
'I should have cleaned my clothing before. But its hard cleaning blood from clothes okay!'
He gave a deep sigh as he put a scalpel down.
'Its official.'
On a table in front of him a bloodied body of a young girl with her belly slit open.
'Humans here have almost no remnant.'
He puts his fingers on his chin.
'Is it possible that due to the different nature of supernatural existence?
There were very few actual supernatural beings in his world, it was mostly humans becoming spirits with either demon or angel essence. Sure there were few 'originals' as he learned when his soul was in hell but mostly it was humans that were originaly alive but in here angels and demon- devils appereantly, were a different species all together.
Issei closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The smell of fresh blood filled his lungs.
This causes him to grin.
Despite not being as bad as some "boogie man" type of stories described back in his world. He IS a serial killer one way or another, you never get used to killing without some.....side effects, some people break down from it, some close their heart to it, some start to enjoy it.
He waved his hands as purple glich occured around him as the body dissapeared and his clothing became clean.
He looks down on himself.
He facepalmed.
"I'm a moron."
Upon blinking, his purple eyes became blue again.
He grabbed his coat and walked out of the room, locking it behind him.


Saber snapped out of...staring at the wall by Issei call.
"Sorry i got held up by something."
He put his hand out to her.
"Would you like to help me set the animatronics ?"
She took his hand and smiled lightly.
"Of course."

It took us only few mintues to set them up on the stage.
'They look good.'
Issei thought to himself with a smirk.
One thing Issei didn't mention.
He doesn't have enough materials to craft special fluid metal and wires to create modern creatures such a Circus Baby was but what he could do.
His smirk intesified as Fredbear's mouth suddenly closed with an audible click.
Was to replicate the first design of springlocks.
Saber's stern tone made Issei turn his head to her.
"I calculated that the power of that jaw snapping would be enough to bite of fingers of a non-fully developed human. And it was oppened only slightly. What would happen if it was oppened all the way? And something was in the way? Why would you use such a dangerous system for them?"
His answer surprised her as it was a laugh.
She turned her blue eyes but what greeted her weren't the same colour but a deep purple eyes with thin slits.
She only felt the swear pouring on her back as a chill settled down her spine.


He never was a kind man.
Issei walked along with Saber to their home. He in his suit and unzipped coat looking in front of him and Saber looking down still in her dress.
He never was a particualry 'evil' man either.
....well okay that last part depends on who would you ask.
He was so (in)famous that stories of William Afton became scary stories to scare children into behaving.
Walking into their house, it was late at night doubt anyone around would be awake, i gliched myself into some comfortable home-y clothes and turned on the TV.
"Good night Master."
Saber said as she walked upstairs.
"Yea, night."
Grabbing a can of orange juice i cracked it open and took a seat on the couch.

"The mother called the authorities straight away, afraid of loosing her daughter in the dark of the night."

Issei stopped drinking and sneaked a peak at the reporter.

'That was fast...holy shit are the cops actually useful in the world? Shiiiiit.'

The TV was now on a woman who looked like a mess.

"Please..i just wanna see my daughter again!"
She screamed as that camera cut off probably because they didn't wanna record a mental breakdown.

Issei's eyes were now purple again.
"Unfortunetly for you....."
The light from TV suddenly uexplainably shined much lighter revelaing Issei's shadow.
His shadow was.....wrong.
On his head two extension that looked like bunny ears, his hands were bigger, bulkier.
His shadow seemed to be..moving, slithering despite Issei being still. His hair longer, flapping in a non existant wind and multiple appendages not unlike hands but also too weird to be anything different other than hands.
Those appendages flailing wildy around, but their shadow was also lighter than his 'body' that was a dark colour and slithering in place.
Issei's grin streached into inhuman lenght and his sclera turned black, making his purple eyes look as if they were shinning even more.
When he spoke again his voice, echo-y, glichy and filled with madness.
"You will NEVER see her again."

Okay, i got asked questions about William/Issei so there we go,
This William/Issei, is a weird and a psychopathic person. He does genuely care for some people, and would do anything for them. Not an abuser or something, however he does see lives that he doesn't care about, as insignificant, he wanted to revive his dead family members and grant immortality for them.
Not revealing more from his backstory :)
I have a problem with writting abusment and kinda hate it, so i made William a good father, family and people person! But not a good person overal.
He does care but he WILL kill you if he wants to.

Sorry for bad grammar. Bye!

Didn't i tell you ? i always come backUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum