chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"What the-"
The Fallen didn't have the time to finish before another cut apperead on his torso and the blone girl stood behind him.
"Annihilation maker..."
The Fallen said as he fell.
"...What just happened ?"
Issei said out loud.
His William side would never admit it out loud but he did jump as the blonde girl was suddenly next to him.
'She's fast.'
"Who...are you?"
Issei looked at her while his shirt glitched back on.
"I do not have a name as i was created by your sacred gear, longinus Annihilation maker."
'I see, so i do have longinus sacred gear.'
"Annihilation maker?"
"Yes master, its power is to create and summon live beings with artificial souls that listen to the user, our power and arsenal depend on your imagination and what you designed us to do."
'Thats.... completely insane.'
An insane grin spread on Issei's face.
'With this power i could create an army againts specific enemies, or even have multiple ones just to top some top-tiers beings.
I look at the woman i created.
"So, you ?"
"As i stated i do not posses a name, i was created to slay Fallens and have anti-light equipment i can use. My sword-"
She raised her sword to my eye level.
"-Is special againts Fallen angel race and can  negate light attacks."
Issei's skin and hair turned back to normal and he looked at the Fallen.
He grinned, took out a paper and wrote something on it.
"Do you know how to navigate here?"
"I do, you have me that knowledge."
"Great, take him to this adress."
Issei said to her and gave her said paper.
"If he wakes up....knock him out again."
With a completely blank face that scared even Issei a little, she nodded.
"Very well."
And just like that she and the fallen were gone.
Issei started walking down the street again while...singing to himself ?
"I am- The Purple guy- And now its time for you to die."
(AN: Love that song)


Later on, Issei stood in front of the building he brought.
Raynare having arrived few minutes after the blonde girl took the Fallen, he wasn't mad, if she did save him, he may not have discovered his new ability.
He walked and on the first floor was already a stage, some places to sit, three kitchens.
'Heh, brainwash few goons, make them work for you...ilegaly. And these things are quick, much quicker than when only me and Henry along with Clara helping us did it.'
"The first and second floor are finished boss."
My eyes turned purple.
"Very well, go home and carry on with your normal lives, if i need you i'll give you call, you and your gang will come running. Understood?"
"Sir, yes sir!"
The brainwashing gang scrammed leaving Issei and Raynare alone.
Issei started walking and toom an elevator, Raynare right behind him.
You see he has a plan,
First floor - The actual restaurant part of the building.
Second floor - A place where he'll build ans design the animatronics, like a backroom except its a whole floor.
Third floor - A place for his normal experiment and place he'll stay at nights when he doesn't go home.
Basemet - Officialy its going to be sealed.
In reality ? The place where his......messier experiments will take place.
They reached the third floor where the blond girl was with a knocked out Fallen.
Issei took a deep breath.


Some time later Issei had few things done.
The Fallen, Dohnut or something as he now knew from Raynare, was chained down on a clean chirurgical table, with few of Issei's....chirurgical equipment around him.
Raynare now had more of a personality, rather than always keeping her under his influence constantly, he lets say reprogramed her, into listening to him.
The blonde was now named Saber, for the time being as Issei didn't know what to name her.
Saber's amor was gone, so she was wearing only her light blue dress she had under.
Both Raynare and Issei were wearing suits, while Raynare had black one with a red tie, Issei had one that was dark purple without a tie.
Issei grabbed some equipment and his eyes blazed purple.
"Its time to take a look at his genes."
He said with a grin as he gently stabbed a scalpel into the Fallen's chest.
During his operation, Issei send an animatronic plans to both Raynare's and Saber's brains.
As he found out, Saber is connected to his soul as much as Raynare is. And since powers from his world were ALL about soul and their power or worth.
He knew so much from not only his self but also from....... Cassidy.
The only being he was afraid of in his time.
When he lured a couple of little children away once, a girl somehwere around 15 years old found them and caught William in proces. He of course killed her too but that bitch was smart.
She did the same thing he could do, she came back.
She was part of the reason he died but that set of his  journey as Springtrap and later Glitchtrap.
William wasn't an idiot, he knew once he started killing it was hard for him to stop.
Once when he was too deep in his blood lust he almost killed Henry's daughter Charlotte...he did stop himself in time but he did kill others to calm down.
....little Charlie ended up dying because of his killing creation on accident anyways.
That was one of the very few times William actually felt sadness.
Believe it or not, he did care about people.
Hell even Cassidy was.....okay with him before he escaped hell and became Glitchtrap.
A lot of souls believed that Cassidy tortured me and created a room for him in Hell but no.
She did horrible things during her time as haunted soul, all to get Issei and kill him.
Thats why when they both burned to death...for the final time, some Hell demons locked them in room and tortured them in one room together.

Issei put his bloodied equipment down and now had a weird dark liquid in giant needle.
He started at the needle before he started to undress his upper body.

He actually got along with that little bitch and he genuely missed her when he left.
To this day he swears he felt her do something to him before he left but since nothing happened, he thought nothing of it.

Issei roughly injected that thing into his spine as much as he could by himself.
A scream of pain espaced him and through his link with both Raynare and Saber he felt worry.
They both yelled in worry as Issei looked at them with a grin before his upper part of his back exploded in blood.
The two women looked at shock.
Because Issei's back now sported two purple feathered wings covered in blood.


Something deep inside Issei's soul twisted.
A weird dark purple sparkle was falling down in dark void before a hand caught it and held onto it.
"Powers an angel ?.....No this is, somehow different."
A femine voice broke the never ending silence.
"What the hell are you doing Afton?"


I had time today so i wrote another chapter today!
Willsei is a freaking genius, stole genes of a Fallen and replicating wings....or did he replicate something else ?
Issei started his plan, named Saber, fixed Raynare there something else in his soul ?
: )

Didn't i tell you ? i always come backDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora