14(end of offical plotline)

51 2 11

Little longer than usual

Happy reading!
Thomas' heart rate picked up with every step the group came closer to the Safe Haven. Newt's name rang in his head, ceasing his ability to speak or hear anything around him. That feeling, that nagging, nagging worry set into the essence of his gut, had only gotten worse, and Thomas was absolutely sure something was wrong with Newt.

They rounded a corner in their path, teenagers' voices echoed, Thomas' breath hitched, and suddenly they were back.

It took only mere moments before a mob surrounded them, but Thomas didn't take any notice of it. He scanned and searched the crowd, but didn't see the beautiful face of the boy he was looking for. Thomas itched to go to him, but he was excuse-less. The mob pressed them with an overwhelming amount of questions, and Thomas' backpack felt heavier with each overlapping comment.

In the recesses of his mind, Thomas heard Gally shout something at the crowd, only to fail miserably. They were too loud, everything was too loud - too much. Newt. Thomas needed to get to him. To check on him and make sure everything was alright.

Everything was not alright, Thomas decided, when he'd heard Luna's irate voice demand everyone to shut up. The noise was gone, everything was gone, and Thomas still needed to get to Newt.

"Thomas!" she screamed, making the boy flinch at the sudden sound. "To the medical area - now."

Thomas' body followed her mindlessly, as that part of him was already with Newt in his room. The crowd cleared a path for them, staring into them as if they'd just witnessed a murder. His mind was too preoccupied to notice then the deep eyebags hanging beneath Luna's eyes or the way her body shook with exhaustion - it was too preoccupied to realize then that she hadn't slept, probably because of the boy Thomas was so worried about.

They said nothing during the rush to the medical area. It felt longer than the adventure Thomas had just been on - it was as if he was attempting a swim across an ocean. His surroundings drifted by in slow-motion, his worry being the only thing he could focus on. Newt. Thomas felt like he was going to throw up if they didn't get there soon.

The nausea finally vanished when they arrived. Thomas pushed past Luna, desperate to enter Newt's room. He nearly broke the door down when he entered, but he didn't care.

Newt was on a ventilator. He had old machines attached to him and his heart beeped all too quickly on its monitor. Thomas saw the cold sweat beaded on his forehead, guilt erupting through him. How could Thomas? How could he have left Newt?

"He's awake," was the first thing Luna said. "Please, just- please just try to help him. Nothing else is working." And then she left the room, probably to calm herself down.

Thomas didn't waste any time getting to his beloved, but he didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to help?

So he did the only thing he could think of.

Thomas took Newt's frail, shaking hand in his own and cupped the boy's face with his other hand. He leaned in close and whispered, "Newt." His voice wasn't strong enough to say anything else. He felt the tears coming before they fell.

The beeping slowed down, as did the ventilator. Hope rekindled itself in Thomas' heart, growing like a flower in Spring. His breath hitched as he watched Newt's eyebrows furrow like they used to, and his eyes squeeze shut as anyone would do before opening them. They fluttered open again and instantly met Thomas'.

"Tommy?" It was muffled by the ventilator, but Thomas heard it. He heard it, and he loved it.

"Newt," his voice shook, but he continued anyway. "I'm here."

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