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The next chapter is the end...

Happy reading!
It did. Despite everything Luna thought she understood about comas, being away from Thomas had somehow made Newt wake up.

But he wasn't functioning normally. Not yet.

Newt's eyes hadn't opened yet, but his brain wasn't all shut-down anymore, and Sam assured her that he was awake. The only word he seemed to know was Thomas' name, or rather, the nickname that Newt had for him.

What scared Luna the most was that she had reason to believe Newt's state was a prolonged panic attack of sorts. She knew the signs, and they weren't going away. Thomas and his group, She thought, they'd better come back tomorrow.

Her threat had worked, in her opinion.

The morning of the seventh day was, to say the very least, exhausting and most definitely stressful. Luna had spent all night awake, continuing her extraneous work of trying to get Newt stable. He was almost there, but Luna didn't think she could handle her drudgery tasks anymore. Most of Newt's physical state was perfectly fine, she had managed to re-stabilize that portion of him. It was the other bit that was laced so tightly to his mental health.

Newt's panicked nature was nearly impossible for Luna to keep at bay. She'd attempted reigning it in, but it was too strong in him. He was put on a ventilator to keep his breathing steady, but it wasn't doing much. It was keeping him alive, and that was the most important thing. Luna was constantly in his room, monitoring every too-fast heartbeat and his unstable breathing.

That morning of the seventh day, she was getting ready to give up. Thomas had better come back. She theorized that he was the only real solution to this problem. But if she was wrong,

well, she didn't know what would happen.

The morning dragged on, and Luna was beginning to believe that Thomas wouldn't be coming back that day. Arthur had been in countless times to comfort her, but her brain was getting ready to go into panic mode too. If she couldn't save him- If she couldn't save him, she was worried she wouldn't be able to save Thomas either. He was broken, and he wouldn't admit it. Both boys were stuck in a mire that they could only get out of together.

The sound of pounding feet rang from outside - just before noon. Luna didn't have the brainpower to figure out why in hell everyone was mobbing outside the medical area, but she didn't have to. Arthur burst through the door, Sam and Stephanie at his side;

"Come quick - they're back!"

Luna erupted out of that chair like the end of the world was coming all over again. None of them spoke as the four rushed out of the room to the swarm of teenagers, hurried and distressed. They all knew the importance of getting Thomas to Newt. If he was still alive, that was. But, knowing Thomas, he was probably living.

Squishing through the crowd, Luna searched desperately for Thomas' face. The teenagers were packed so tightly together, and not enough of them knew the urgency of the situation with Newt. Their bodies were pressed together in a way that only made Luna more irritated.

"Thomas!" The girl called. Her yelling could barely be heard between the excited chatter of the teens. She saw the group's attempts at getting everyone to shut up and even heard Gally yell at the crowd. His command seemed to affect only some of the kids, infuriating Luna even more. "Everyone shut up!" She screamed, her anger overflowing the small container she thought she could hold it in.

The clearing went dead silent, everyone turning to look at her. Luna didn't flinch. She picked Thomas' eyes out from the crowd, "Thomas! To the medical area - now."
She stressed
Sorry for the short filler chapter lol

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Stay perfect everyone <3

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