Chapter 10 {Edited}

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Keith's POV.

We were hard at training, but I miss my little brother over the time of training. Then Allora called a meeting for the whole team for some reason and Kai looked like he did not want to be there and neither did I. But here we are, and the princess was talking about the loins, which was who's, Kai did not get one which pissed me off. Then Kai asked what language was on the monitor, Allora look like she was going to pop a blood vessel before answering the question, I moved in front of Kai to make sure nothing happens to him.

A week later

Kai and Pidge is hard at work at learning Altean not like me and the team mines Pidge because we have to train until we can locate the loins.

5 Days after that

I am worried for my twin; he is doing something bit I do not know what it is and I have not asked all I hope is that he will tell me sooner or later. On the 5th day I finally saw and talked to him I was so unsure of everything that is happening us, we didn't spend a lot of time together like we did in the past but that is because the princess kept on telling us that training is more important. So, when I did see my brother 

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