Chapter 3{Edited}

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July 31, 1992

Kai's POV.

The Potters came into my and Keith's room smiling, I was not paying attention but Keith was up in arms he asked, "What do you want now Potters? "I started to pay attention, Lily smile faltered but then James said, "Well we have good news for us, but bad for you... Heith is bead." Keith was pissed then said, "I hate both of you, I wish you did not come for me and Kai. I wish we were with dad!" I just sat there and cried. Keith then said, "You will never be our Mother and Father! Heith is the only dad we ever needed before you came along! SO, STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THAT WE WILL NEVER BE GREATFUL FOR ANYTHING YOU GIVE US SO LEAVE US ALONE!" The Potters left the room with Lily crying and James furious he did tell us that we won't get any dinner or breakfast and Keith slammed the door closed and he came over to me and cried with me.

We decided that it is time that we wright Draco a letter to ask if me and Keith can come and stay with him and his family.

The letter read:

Dear Draco

Can you please ask your father if we can come over to your house so that we don't see the Potters. If you are wondering why we will tell you when we get to your house so, please get back to us as soon as you can.

Keith and Kai

Keith gave the letter to me and I tied it to my owl named midnight and we started to pack our things and left any and everything that the Potters gave us.

The next day we got a return letter from Draco it said:

Dear Keith and Kai

My father said that it is fine but we have to meet up at diagon alley at the entrance of Knockturn alley.


We did not take a break; we just grabbed our bags and flooed to Knockturn alley and walked to the entrance and when we got there. There was Draco and a woman with bushy hair. I ran up to Draco and jumped on him, he stumbled Forword I laughed Draco did not look happy he said, " Get off me Kai we are in public." I just smile and said, "Sorry, but can you blame me the Potters are rubbing off on me even if I did not want it too so, please don't be mad at me." Draco just nodded.

Keith came up to us and said, "So who is this lovely lady next to you?" she giggled Draco said, "This is my ant Bella." then Draco turned to her and said, "Antey these are Keith and Kai Kogane they are the ones that the Potters gave away and they hate them.

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