Chapter 11

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We got inside of the house, and I whispered, "ok you can get let go of me now".
As to which, he didn't let go of me, and instead carried me to my room. He went straight for my bed and star fished on it, looking like he could fall asleep any second.
"Hey your not gonna be there all night are you, or I won't have a place to sleep".
"You can sleep on me" ugh, gross, I rolled my eyes at his words.
"Don't you need to finish your paining anyway?" He asked, making a very good point actually.

I had to get out of my clothes before I started painting, I slowly zipped the red dress off my body, feeling Greys needy eyes gluing themselves to my nearly naked self.
I then put the t-shirt I had on before, and the same shorts and started painting.
I though that Grey had fallen asleep after 30 minutes, but as I tuned around, he carried on staring, not just staring, a look of admiration was in his eyes, creating a feeling of timidness in my body, knowing that he had been staring for so long.

I then heard my phone buzzing next to me, I wondered who would be calling at this time, it was Danny.
"Hey how are you" I said.
"Yeah I'm doing good, I just wanted to check in".
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just finishing my portfolio for..." he interrupted me saying, "Rachel told me that you drove Grey home from school today, why?"
Oh so that's why he called me, and that fucking bitch Rachel, ugh snitch.
"Oh um, I copied off him in a math test and he said I could only do it if I could give him a couple of lifts too and from school".
"Well I'd rather you ask me next time, Grey's not someone to make friends with, he might take you somewhere dangerous or hurt you in some way" been there and done that my friend.
"Oh sorry I didn't think it would matter, I'll know for next time" I said in response.
"But there won't be a next time right?" he ordered patronisingly.
"Right" I responded.
"K goodnight I'll see you at school tomorrow" he didn't sound happy.
"Night, sleep well" I said back.

I turned around to see if Grey had heard any of the phone call, but to my surprise, he was gone. Yesss, I thought, until I heard a racket downstairs.
Please don't wake up mom I inaudibly thought.

"What are you doing?" I asked with no emotion, I'd given up at this point.
"I've got the munchies, you got any bread?" I rolled my eyes went into the cupboard, got the bread out and chucked it at him.
"Thanks baby"
"Don't call me that"
"Why?" He said confused.
"Cos your not my boyfriend, and it's weird considering you hate my guts" I explained.
He clenched his jaw, his nostrils flared, and his eyes were filled with pure jealously, "fuck you" he said out of nowhere and stormed upstairs with his bread.
That's what drugs does to a man I guess, changes his emotions every second.

I slowly walked up the stairs, not wanting to annoy Grey anymore, I walked gently into my room.
"Are you done with your temper tantrum?" I questioned softly and patronisingly.
I noticed that he had ripped up my red dress, and basically torn apart the $2000 shoes.
I was pretty tired and couldn't be bothered to clean up the mess of my painting, that I still hadn't quite finished, and got into bed. I didn't get changed as the clothes I was wearing was pretty comfortable.
I created a little pillow barrier between me and Grey so he didn't get any ideas.
I was so mad at myself for getting into this situation, and for allowing him to blackmail me. I just had to hope that it wouldn't go on for much longer.

I woke up the next day, being spooned by Grey, ugh I knew he'd take the pillow barrier away.
"Ugh get off of me, I have to get ready for school" I said while he groaned sounding like getting up was the last thing he wanted to do.
I got unchanged in the bathroom and had a quick shower, I wanted to look extra nice today as I haven't seen Danny for a while-well, it hasn't actually been that long, it just feels like days.
I had been about 15 minutes in the bathroom, expecting that grey had woken up by now, but to my surprise he was sound asleep, he looked peaceful, it looked like the mind that usually holds a lot was now empty.
But I couldn't let him sleep on my bed all day, he had to get up at some point, so I went over to him and shook him screaming at him to wake up.
He sat up in front of me and rubbed his eyes awake, he must've gotten undressed during the night, because he was only wearing a pair of black boxers, which my eyes looked straight down and saw that he was hard, really hard-and really really big.
I hoped he didn't see that I looked, but it was too late, he did, "it's not you it's a morning thing", ok I guess he was back to insulting me again.
I had nothing to say so I gave a fake smile in return.

"Hey can I use your shower?" He asked.
"What's the magic word?" I said to him as if he was a little kid.
"You're so annoying , please" he said please with puppy eyes any a pouty face, which made me laugh.
"Yes, there are spare towels under the sink".
He went to have his shower as I got dressed. Today I wore a white tennis skirt and a baby pink crop top, which should keep me cool as it's supposed to be hot today.
I applied some makeup, and straightened my hair.
In all that time, Grey had only just gotten out of the shower.
His towel sat low on his hips, showing off his incredible v-line which was so sharp it could cut me up, along with his gorgeous tattoos that spread across his body.
"What made you get your tattoos?" I questioned, not really intending to say it out loud.
He looked stunned that I was genuinely curious about him.
"Umm I don't know really, I thought they looked cool in the shop so I got em" he responded.
"I'm thinking of getting one when I turn 18 but I'm not sure what to get".
"Hmm" he responded with no interest to have a conversation.
"Be ready in five" I said.
"I thought you weren't allowed to drive me around anymore?" He smugly stated.
"He won't know I'm sure of it".

I got downstairs and saw some cash on the side with a note from my mom saying:
Bye sweetie have the best time tomorrow night, don't trash the house too much, and don't spend the money all at once. I can't believe I have to miss your 18th because of a stupid work trip, I promise we'll do something super special when I get back.
I love you Cassie, be good xx
I took the cash off of the side and put it in the drawer where we usually keep our money, for safekeeping.

Grey came downstairs and wandered around my kitchen for food as I ate some toast, he grabbed some cereal out of the pantry and some milk out of the fridge.
His eyes were red and puffy, he was clearly hungover, or whatever you call the next day after taking drugs.
"I didn't realise your birthday was tomorrow." He said
"Yeah that's why I'm having the party" I said stating the absolute obvious.
We were so used to never speaking to one another that there was no need for small talk, as it wasn't an awkward silence.

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