Chapter 7

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The car ride to Danny's house was pretty awkward, especially with Grey, my arch nemeses sat in the back breathing so extremely loudly.
"Can we turn the radio on?" I asked hoping it would drown out the awkwardness.
"Yeah sure" Danny said turning the radio on and then taking his free hand and placing it on my thigh- creating extremely intense butterflies in my stomach.
I could feel Grey's fierce stare at Danny's hand placement, I really didn't understand why one minute he hated me and the next he was filled with envy when his brother touched me. It's probably got nothing to even do with me, it's most likely just a brother thing.

After what felt like an eternity in the car, we finally go to the driveway, and I felt myself releasing a deep breath that I didn't even realise I was holding.
When we got out the car, Grey basically sprinted inside, and Danny took my hand leading me upstairs to his bedroom.
"Ok shut your eyes, it's time for your surprise". I couldn't wait any longer, I was dying to know what this big surprise was.

He walked me into his room and said, "you can open them now", I opened them and saw a little box sat on the end of the bed with my name on it.
"I know I'm supposed to wait till your birthday next week but I just couldn't wait" he said excitedly.
I opened the box to see a sparkling diamond necklace, my mouth gaped open as I gasped at the beauty of it.
"I can't accept this"
"What don't you like it?" He said worriedly.
"No,no I love it it's beautiful, but it must of cost so much".
"Nothing is too much for you, I want to spoil you" he stated bringing me in for a hug, gripping my ass and nipping my neck.
"Now open the letter, "he whispered in my ears".
I looked down at the letter which stated.

From the moment I first laid my eyes on you, I was nearly speechless, from your beauty. Over the last month I've come to realise that not only are you out of this world stunning, but you've got the best personality ever.
Although we've not know each other long, there's a spark between us, and I know you feel it too, I can see it in your beautiful green eyes.
So I only have one more question left to ask,
Be my girlfriend?

I felt like crying, he was too cute, a little cheesy but sooo cute.
"Yes, YES, of course I'll be your girlfriend" I said jumping on him with excitement.
"Good cos the necklace has a strict no refund policy" we both laughed, as I gestured for him to put my shiny necklace on for me, which he did so with pleasure.

"Let's order a pizza to celebrate, pepperoni?" He asked
"You know me too well" I winked at him.
He ordered the pizzas, and as we waited we watched this football game, which I don't know anything about whatsoever, but according to him, it was one of the biggest games of the season.
The doorbell rang, meaning our pizzas were here, so we both made our way downstairs to go and get them.
"Hi sweetie" I heard Danny's mom say.
"Hi how are you Mrs Miller?"
"Just call me Claire honey, and I'm fine thanks you asking".
"I see you asked her earlier than you were supposed to" she said to Danny, whilst staring at my necklace.
"Yeah I just couldn't wait any longer, plus I thought she could wear it at her party on Saturday night".
"Treat her right Danny, she's a good egg" she hugged Danny, and then hugged me and said, "welcome to the family sweetie".

"That's gross" I said pointing at the pineapple on his pizza.
"What you don't like pineapple?" he questioned.
"No I love it, but on a pizza, come on that's a crime" I exclaimed.
"Wow, maybe I shouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend" he said sarcastically.
"Well maybe I should've said no, knowing that you're a pineapple on pizza guy" I said back in a similar tone.
"Have you even tried it?"
"Um, no, but look at it, how could that possibly be nice" I said judgementally.
"Ohhh, you have to try it" he shove the pizza near my mouth.
"No, get it away from me!" I got up and started running whilst he chased me around the kitchen with the pizza, when he finally caught up with me, he grabbed my waist and locked me in, with one arm.
He then said, "open" firmly.
I was struggling to get out of his grip, so I finally gave in and opened my mouth, allowing the pizza to enter.
I chewed on it for a bit and then I swallowed.
"Well, what'd you think" he smugly asked as if he knew I secretly liked it- which I did, but he never needed to know that.
"It's revolting" I said sticking my tongue out like a fussy little child.
"Sureee" he said clearly not believing me, causing us both to hysterically laugh.

Footsteps then strolled into the kitchen, it was Grey- wow what a way to ruin the mood.
He looked extremely grumpy as usual, as he started cooking himself food.
Danny then thought it would be the most hilarious idea to do an impression of Grey and his moody actions, which left me uncontrollably giggling.
"What?!" Grey said annoyed.
"Hmm nothing? I said, still holding laughter in my voice.
"You're laughing at me, I'd like to know what I'm doing that's so incredibly funny?". He said with slightly more anger in his tone.
"I was just laughing at a joke Danny told me" I lied.
"What was the joke?" He pressed further with questions.
"Hey dude, quit asking so many questions, and leave my girlfriend alone" that was the first time Danny had addressed me to someone as his girlfriend, a warm buzzing feeling pooled around my stomach.
"Girlfriend? Haven't you two known each other for like a couple of hours" his eyes sparked with fury.
"Just shut the fuck up man" Danny said angrily.
"Don't fucking tell me to shut the fuck up, you fuckin' pussy" Grey said walking towards Danny shoving him.
Danny then stood up and squared up to Grey, looking like they were about to get into a physical fight, "I'm not doing this with you Grey" Danny said backing away.
"Pussy" grey smirked.
Something in Danny's eyes snapped, and he turned back around and punched Grey in the nose, causing his nose to bleed.
Grey looked angry, like really angry, and punched Danny right back in the lip, and then in the stomach, causing Danny to tackle him to the ground, leading them to what can only be described as some form of a wrestling match.
I couldn't be bothered to watch this stupid fight any longer, so I went upstairs into Danny's room, and patiently waited for him to stop acting like a child.

Danny's door finally opened, and instead of it being Danny, it was grey.
"You better go downstairs and check up on your boyfriend, he's in a pretty bad state". He smirked proudly.
"Ugh grow the fuck up" I mumbled to myself but clearly enough for him to hear.
He blocked the door as I tried to leave.
"Could you move you're blocking my way out"
"Where are your manners" he said patronisingly.
I rolled my eyes and said please.
"With less attitude this time" he said letting go of the door and placing it on my chin making me look up at him.
I forced a pout on my lips and a puppy dog look in my eyes and said, "oh pretty please can you move".
He gripped my chin even harder, and whispered in my ear, "you're such a fucking whore".
"Piss off!" I shoved him out of the way, leading him to smirk and look me up and down.

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