Chapter 9

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"Ugh fuck you Greyson" I spat at him after his comments.
He looked me up and down, and rather than looking angry, he smirked, what was he up to in his mind?
"I can't wait to tell Danny about our fun later" he laughed.
"Wait what! No please you can't do that, I'll do anything I promise" I begged him not to tell Danny, although we'd only been official for a day, it felt like this relationship could go somewhere really good.
"Hmmm, well I wouldn't mind coming to that little party of yours on Saturday, and you can drive me to and from school whenever I ask" could he not drive? Jeez embarrassing.
"Done, but won't everyone be suspicious about me giving you lifts considering we hate each other"
"I'll just say that I won a bet or something, lying is my specialty".
"You know that's not something to be proud of?" He did his iconic smirk, and walked away.

I got out of the bathroom a couple of minutes after Grey did, so it wouldn't be obvious that we were in there together.
I looked at the time on my phone and realised that I was about 10 minutes late to art, shit, I thought, my art teacher was usually chill though, so hopefully she wouldn't mind.
"Miss Browne, how kind of you to finally join us"
"Sorry I'm late miss, I had a pretty hectic lunch" she rolled her eyes and told me that I didn't miss much, apart from that we were finalising our portfolios, fuck, shit, after the events of last night, I completely forgot that I had to start my final piece.
I got to work on it, but there was no way I was finishing it during the lesson, so I had to finish it at home which was gonna take all night.

Once the lesson ended, I found out I was right about not even nearly finishing it. Carrying the canvas through school was a difficult task, as it was so big and awkward to carry.
I had gotten to my car, and I saw Grey leaning on it, obviously waiting for a lift.
"Hey could you give me a hand", gesturing he open the boot for me.
"If it'll fit, I didn't realise how small your car was" he said pointing to my little red fiat 5oo.
"What it's cute, I mean if it's too small and you can't get in I'm happy for you to walk home" I smiled.
"And I'm happy to tell you little boyfriend about your behaviour in the bathroom" my smile dropped, along with the giant canvas that I forgot I was holding.
"So can you help me or not?" He opened the boot and got into the passenger seat, having to roll the chair all the way back so his lanky legs would fit in.

He started fiddling with the radio, which i asked him to stop multiple times, he in fact did not stop. He then stopped messing around with the radio, and placed his hand on my leg. I quickly moved his hand off of my leg and said, "don't touch me", to which he smirked and I huffed.
He then rolled the window down and started lighting a cigarette, I gave him a dirty look, to which he said, "oh, do you want one".
"No I don't smoke, and could you not have done that later?"
He laughed and took a puff, blowing the smoke in my face, "gross" I muttered.
After another torturous 10 minutes of having to drive him home, we finally got to his.
He got out of the car without so little as a thank you- dick. "Your welcome" I muttered, and quickly drove off.

Once i made it to the comfort of my own home, I rushed to my bedroom to finish my final piece for art. I got changed into my art clothes, which consisted of an old baggy t-shirt and a pair a nike shorts that were now far too small for me, they could hardly even be seen under the shirt.
I didn't really ever have much of an imagination when it came to painting, I would usually just paint butterflies or flowers, but this time I started painting a close up of a face, nobody's face in particular, the face only showed eyes and a small part of the nose, and I was planning to add a few strands of hair.
I wanted to paint the eyes ocean blue, just like Danny's, but luck wasn't in my hands as the tube of blue acrylic had all dried up, shit I thought to myself, so I resorted to green, I mean it was less boring than brown, and its the same colour as my eyes.
I was busy painting and listening to music in my headphones, therefore didn't hear the knock on my door. I felt a presence behind my back, immediately, I thought it was Danny, and I got super exited to see him, but I guess not, as I turned around, it was Grey.
"What are you doing in my room?!" I said, confused, and concerned as to why he was here.
He looks down at my outfit choice and smirked, why does this guy smirk so much I mean does he not have any other facial expressions.
"Nice outfit" I rolled my eyes, trying to cover myself up with my hands.
"Well I wasn't expecting company, what do you want anyways"
"A lift, you promised any time I needed a lift.."
"Fine" I interrupted, "let me get changed", I said expecting him to leave the room, "A little privacy please".
He turned around and started looking at my painting, which I hadn't even finished, I can't believe I was doing this for him.
I put on joggers and a hoodie, as it looked cold outside and I kept my hair in an extremely messy bun.
"Who's the painting of?" He asked.
"No one, just my imagination" I responded.
"Really, it kinda looks like me", "I mean the green eyes and the black hair, its uncanny, are you obsessed or something miss Browne?" He walked closer and closer.
"No, its not you, I was gonna paint his eyes blue but I ran out, I guess it's just a funny coincidence".
"Hilarious coincidence" He whispered into my ear, making me shiver slightly.

We walked downstairs, where my mom came out of the kitchen and said, "Huhhh you must be Danny, well you are quite handsome" she hugged him.
"Actually mom, this is Grey, Danny's brother, he needed a favour and I owe him".
"Oh right ok, where are you going?"
"Back to his, he needs a lift home"
"Ok honey, don't be too long, I love you" My mom said as she gave me a hug goodbye.
"Love you too mom", she then whispered in my ear, "If he tries anything on you kick him in the nuts", I think she wanted only me to hear that, but I'm 99% sure that Grey heard.

We left, got in my car and I said, "so where do you need to go?".
"To a friends, you need to be there too by the way" He said emotionlessly.
"Excuse me, no that's not part of the deal" I said in an unwilling tone.
"Well it is now".

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