Chapter 10

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TW: drug misuse

He then pulled a mini dress out of his backpack, and then said, "put this on".
"I can't put it on I'm driving, plus it's far too cold to wear a dress like this" I responded.
"Then pull over" He sharply stated.
I rolled my eyes, pulled over, took the dress out of his hands and took my clothes off to put it on. The whole time I was changing, I noticed that his eyes were on me, or should I say they were on my tits the whole time, as I was in nothing but a bra and panties.
I put on the red satin dress that was a little to small in some areas, as my boobs were spilling out, and I knew it was covering little to none of my ass.

After I was changed, he then looked down at my feet and said, "for fuck sake, why can't you just wear a normal pair of shoes" he pointed to my crocs (what they were comfy).
"Well I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was supposed to be dressing like a slut', I snapped at him.
"Well you do most days" He snapped back.
"Dive to the mall, I'll get you some proper shoes". Was I going to complain about getting a fancy pair of shoes, no, not at all.

We got to the mall, which was pretty much empty, I wasn't surprised, as it was about 8pm, and most of the shops were shutting.
He walked past a pair of shoes in a designer store, and said, "look, these will do". OMG they were $2000.
"Are you sure, they're pretty pricy, we can just look in a cheaper store, I don't mind", he completely ignored me, got me a pair in my size, paid and we quickly left.
"Well are you gonna put them on then, or what?"
"Yeah I will when I get there, I defiantly cannot drive in these" In which he laughed.
"At least I can drive" I shut him up.
"Touché" he said.

We got to his friends house and I changed my shoes, bye bye comfort. We walked up to the house and Grey stood directly behind me, his hand hovering my back.
"Whatever you do, don't leave my side, these people can be dangerous if you get on the wrong side, so I wouldn't say anything either". 'Huhhh' I thought in my head, your telling me that I'm about to go into a house full of potentially dangerous men dressed like this, hell no. I couldn't say no now though, as we'd already made it to the house.

It reeked of weed in the house, I immediately wanted to cover my nose, what had I gotten into.
I looked back at Grey with pure anger in my eyes that he brought me here. It wasn't quite a party, but more of a group of high people lurking all around the house.
"Ooh this your girl Grey, she's hot" one guy said coming up to us.
"No it's Danny's girlfriend, but I'm watching her if you know what I mean" they both laughed, along with another couple of boys that joined the group.
"So are we gonna sit down or what" one of the guys said smoking a cigarette.
We sat down on this large sofa, there were two other girls in the room, the were both straddling guys to a point where it looked like they were fucking.
"Why the fuck did you bring me here Grey" I whispered angrily.
He completely ignored me and started speaking to some guys who were injecting themselves with drugs, I could hardly breathe at this point, not from the drugs flowing through the air, but from how uncomfortable I felt.
"I wanna go home" I said tugging on him.
"Not yet I need to make a deal first" that was it, I'm not getting involved with a drug dealer, or his friends, I was leaving, I didn't even care if he says anything to Danny I have to get out of here.
I got up to leave, when Grey took my wrist and shoved me back down on the sofa, "get the fuck off of me I'm leaving", he smirked but differently to usual, it looked like a performance, he had a look of guilt in his eyes. But I didn't care, I know he hates me but what made him think it was ok to bring me here. Shit I needed to pee, I hate my stupid bladder.
"I need to pee" I said to Grey.
"Ok come straight back".
I didn't bother asking where the toilet was, I decided to go upstairs and look for it myself.

I found it pretty much straight away, I quickly went in and did my business, but when I came out, there were two guys stood there, they looked a bit older than me, they were probably in there mid-twenties or something.
I went to walk past them but on of them blocked my exit.
"Excuse me" I said politely, I was too nervous to be rude, I didn't know what these men were capable of.
"Of course love" one of the guys said with a British accent.
But he didn't move, instead he started caressing my face, looking like he was gonna kiss me, I couldn't breathe at all at this point, tears were forming in my eyes, a few slipped out.
"Please don't touch me".
"Ok I won't touch you" he said letting go of my face, "but I think you should touch me instead then" he said laughing with his friend who was still there.
I was crying even more at this point and I said sobbing, "I don't wanna do that either".
"I have a boyfriend"
"Aw she's got a boyfriend, how fucking sweet" "but the thing is, I don't really care about your little boyfriend" he started whispering in my ear, I wanted to vomit.
I slapped him across the face, which I don't think made him happy, "I don't want to fuck you!" I screamed at him kicking him in the balls and running fast out of the house.

I ran to my car quickly unlocked it, I didn't realise that Grey had followed me, "where the fuck are you going" he gripped my waist and pulled me in, hard.
I turned around and saw that he was extremely high, "why the fuck did you bring me here?" I screamed at him, hysterically crying at this point.
"I needed a hit, and I needed someone to take me there" I slapped him across the face and said, "asshole".
"Oh baby, I can't wait to tell your boyfriend about our fun earlier". He spat at me, still gripping on to my waist.
"Go on tell him, but let see who he believes, the girlfriend he loves, or the junkee brother who he hates".
"Oh you think he loves you, nahh he's using you for a good fuck, he's fucking tons of other girls on the side" of course I didn't believe him, Danny wasn't like that at all, he was only talking about himself.
"Get the fuck off of me" I said spitting back at him.

He then had the actual audacity to go round the car and get in the passenger seat.
"What the fuck are you doing" I screamed at him.
"I'm not driving you home if that's what you think I'm doing"
"Fine drive me to yours then, I wanna watch you paint" I was unsure if it was the drugs or something that waved over him because his entire attitude changed in seconds, he was being flirty and giggly.
As mad as he'd made me, no one should have to go in that house, so I drove him back to mine, I was praying that my mom was already in bed and didn't see the state he was in, or how I was dressed.
I parked my car in the driveway and held my heels in my hand, walking back to the house barefoot.
"You shouldn't be walking barefoot, there could be glass on the ground" before I could even respond, Grey lifted me up and put me over his shoulders, carrying me inside.

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