You walked ahead back on course so that you would meet up with the separated group. You walked and you ended up only finding Robin on the way. "Well it's no surprise that Zoro and Luffy aren't here, but where is Chopper though?" You wondered out loud.
"It's okay we can continue on the same path and we'll meet up with them ahead." Robin was right there was no point in trying to look for them now we were already separated so we would just work from them.

We walked along way and most of it in silence until we reached what seemed to be some ruins. The buildings were covered in plants and most of them destroyed you walked and looked around only to realize that there was no gold here. We would have to keep going forward in order to find whatever we were seeking. There was a lot of noise coming from the environment and it was probably those guerilla people fighting or something they didn't seem to get along with the rest of the people in skypiea. 

"This place was most likely a city that has fallen. This island might know the lost history if there is a poneglyph here." It was going to be good if we could get any information from this expedition. There were some heavy steps coming towards you guys and there were goat like guys coming. They claimed to be god's divine soldiers and started attacking. All you were doing was punching as the was no point in bringing Adira out for such small fries. You hit and knocked out anyone that approached with occasional kicks to the face. Robin was also holding her own against them " Seis fleurs Twist!" The cracking sound was unpleasant and deadly.

There was someone else approaching and it wasn't one of the goat guys. "Well hello there cutie-pie." It was a huge guy in a white robe with long curly black hair and jewelry. His advances were directed to Robin as he gave her a sinister smile. "Lady and weirdo in the mask. I am Yama, a divine commander for God Eneru." He then went in to attack you which you dodged and this resulted in him damaging the ruins that Robin hadn't taken a look at yet. "Robin sorry" You apologised.

"Why are you apologising these are just some old stones they can't do anything for you." He was going to throw a punch to another ruin but then Robin used her body to shield it from receiving any damage. "History is very important *cough* It let's us know about those who were there before us and in doing so helps us prepare for what may be." You agreed with Robin in an odd way it seemed that the things in the past were way more advanced than where we are today. You wouldn't be shocked to find a whole bunch of technology just sitting on one of the islands stuck in the past.

He then started hitting her to get out of the way. You were going to step in the way to assist with the fight but Robin held up a hand gesturing you to stop.
"Let me handle this I need to teach this person who disrespects my work as an archeologist a lesson."

You sat back and watched as the fight unfolded.

"Clutch!" Robin had concluded the fight and was slightly bruised from all the hits she had taken but was still standing and okay. We finally reached some monument like place but it was better than the last more put together than the last and more of a city the number of buildings just kept increasing as we went deeper into the place. It's like everything got displaced on its way up to the sky. You looked in the houses and there was no gold in the homes and then in different buildings that were most likely for communal gatherings but alas there was nothing there as well. Where was all the gold we had come in search for if not here. You had all set out in the morning for one simple thing and that was to find gold and there was none. 

You had been in the place for nearly forty minutes when Robin starts calling out your name. "Would you kindly help me with this informant-san." She led you up the stairs where you both started digging and removing the cloud matter that had clogged up the place. "There's definitely more below that got swallowed up."
"So the city is much bigger than this?"
"Yes that is most likely the case."
 Once the place was large enough she slipped through first and you followed down to the unknown and what you were hoping to be gold or at least some answers. Once you has some footing you walked through what seemed to be some kind of passage and out to where Robin was she was just standing looking around and when you reached you saw why.

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