Chapter 39 Wind

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Quig pressed his fingers against the window and stared at the fallen trees blocking the parking lot. "Classes will probably be online for the next two or three weeks. I'll text Avery-Joy to make sure that she, Betsy, Odin, and the guards have enough food."

"Even a normal space shuttle couldn't land in this. Flint's ship could, but I doubt he'd help Chase. There is no way he'll be able to reach me in time," she said. "But I'm worried about Rodrick and Hempstead."

"Most villages have barns that double as emergency shelters. Four winters ago, hundreds died. When I had money, Ann and I volunteered to supply the materials for the villagers to build them." He sat on the floor by Grew-Ella's feet. "When she didn't show up for our wedding, I knew you were right. You disappeared for another two weeks. Did Vex punish you for telling me?" Quig held Grew-Ella, and his working wing wrapped around her.

She closed her eyes, and only the sound of the wind filled their living room.

"Please, tell me the truth," Quig said.

"Yes, I spent time at the workhouse when he found out, but it was a prison cell with my only contact being the guard that brought me my food each day. My cell was worse than the factory floor, being frozen and alone with my thoughts."

The wind died down, however, the snow kept falling.

"Why did Chase change his mind?"

"I'm not sure, but the media was asking questions." She clutched her stomach. "To end the pain, all I had to do was lie that I didn't love you and pretend it didn't kill me when my sister flirted with you. Vex could've given you reject status if I said anything, but he lied and tried to give it to you, anyway."

Quig didn't stutter. Rage broke through. "They're playing an abusive game, and we're both pawns. It's illegal for them to include threats to me in a contract I wasn't party to."

"Vex is powerful, even now." Her eyes felt heavy, and she nestled against him. "Quig, it's late, and I want to feel safe in your arms."

They helped each other to bed, and they nodded off into comforting sleep until noon the next day. Snow still fell, but the wind had died down to a whisper.

Grew-Ella slid her arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Chase is the one that needs to apologize. You're good. He tried to force me to take supplements and medications. I don't know what he planned to feed me."

"Grew-Ella, tell me how I can help. Tell me what to do."

"I don't know." A hollow laugh came from her mouth. "He only kissed me in public, and he called me gorgeous, but never meant it." Her wings expanded in size and wrapped around Quig, almost daring Chase and her sister to burst in as she pressed her soft lips to his.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

She nodded, 'yes.' "Punishing myself by allowing others to dictate my life isn't happening anymore, but Chase threatened to expose who your father is." Grew-Ella's fingers rested on her stomach.

"He thinks Trent is my father..." Quig brushed her face with his fingertips. "You're my one, but would you still love me if I confessed that Trent isn't Rodrick's son, but I am? He was a teenage single father when he married my much older mom, and he hoped she'd bring stability. Dad didn't know she was on drugs, and he spent his life protecting me."

"As I said before, I figured out Rodrick was your dad. He visited you in the hospital with and without Dot."

"Dad lived with us, but he pretended he lived three houses down."

"I'll be fine, but I plan to contact the therapist tomorrow."

Quig trembled.

"What is wrong?" she asked.

"Dad and Nan-Gran raised Junior, and Sean-Mack only used..."

"You mean for press ops, but why? Junior is only common."

"To show that he'd lower the status of his family." Quig kissed her. "I wish I had dumped Ann at our engagement party. She knew Zill tried to sell Trent's. I didn't know Ann worked for Vex until after."

"You mean my sister sold Trent's children to Vex? He is in charge of all the workhouses. I don't understand why you pretended everything was okay with her. I wouldn't have posted it online."

"Junior and I are working on forgiving her, but I'm not perfect. With Zill, forgiveness is even harder because she keeps hurting the people I love. But I wouldn't allow either woman to take care of Betsy. Forgiveness is not allowing abusers, free-range, to do it again."

"Junior and Madd-Ox will tell me if they choose to, and I don't plan to put you in a position of violating their trust." Grew-Ella kissed him again, her wings wrapping around him.

"Thank you for understanding. I'm Junior's unofficial brother, and there are things I can't tell you yet because Vex might find out where Delia Orchid is hiding and why she always gets away. Losing her would destroy your brother."

"Vex kept me alive because he planned to set a trap for Junior and his sister. I'm pretty sure they know, but your brother and father saved me despite the risk."

"My family is great like that."

"Sean-Mack wants me dead, but I'm just bait to Vex. He's obsessed with Junior's sister." 

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