Chapter 6 The Turning Sea

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Yoleta's Limo Same Day Noon


She clawed at the clasp of the watch, but it felt attached to her flesh. Colors pulsated, and the words Time and Universe Shifting flashed three times in black letters.

Yoleta blinked, and she saw versions of herself living in other universes, including dozens in prisons. She landed on a long-abandoned beach.

Dragons flew in the distance.

Her eyes peered into the water as breaking waves and foam crashed into her feet, sand sticking to her skin.

Ida stepped out of Yoleta's reflection and into the world. Her gray flesh and wings were solid. "He is here." She pointed to the sky.

A brass-colored spaceship landed on a cliff. The unusual vehicle resembled a spider, and solar sails appeared to be a web strung behind it. Eight eye-shaped windows, tinted green, opened with the wall, revealing a single hatch.

Ida's friend, Colonel Ghoul Flint, dressed as a pirate, exited his ship. He adjusted his eye patch and his flowing wig. Avoiding the stairs, he flew down with a rocket pack strapped to his back. Landing next to Yoleta, his lips spread into a smile as he clutched a satchel in his left hand. He looked like a full human and not the humanoid dog he was.

"Quig awoke, but the rehab is going to take months," Yoleta said.

"You haven't been eating or sleeping, and I packed you lunch." He opened his refrigerated satchel, pulled out hummus sandwiches, and fruit, and gave them to Yoleta. He tossed an apple at Ida.

"You're never subtle. Love the new ship, but Colonel Ghoul Flint, you're not wearing your usual business casual." Ida munched on the apple.

Yoleta ate her lunch. "While the food is delicious, I'm still not sure if you're real."

Flint placed the trash in his satchel and patted an animatronic parrot on his left shoulder. "My ex-wife and I plan to attend a costume party."

"Aren't you marrying Grew-Ella to save her from the workhouse? You're a broken elite, and that voids all engagement contracts."

"I'm fond of Grew-Ella, but she is too young."

Yoleta dug her foot in the sand. "Chase lied to her, and she didn't know he was dating her sister. I think he has a clause that claims he can restate the contract whenever he chooses. She wouldn't have signed if she knew, but he was handsome, famous, and said she was gorgeous."

"Your memories aren't complete because you're not used to temporal travel, and we can't tell you everything. Time is warping around us," Flint said.

Ida stepped closer and hugged Yoleta. "When we inform you directly, the timeline changes. This is the fifth conversation we've had in two days. Even Flint and I don't fully remember because we're too far from the main event."

"But I've only talked to you in the bathroom. What is this on my wrist? What did you do to me?" Yoleta yanked herself away and reached for Flint. Her thoughts jumbled in her head. 'I hope my mind isn't fragmenting.'

"Our plan will be clearer the more you go through it, but you chose this. Text Quig's grandmother and request that she send his nuptial bracelet to him. Please, remember this time," Ida said.

"Oh, I bet you're planning a fake engagement for Quig, but he's still a grand elite, and he can't marry an unacceptable woman." Yoleta texted Quig's grandmother.

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