Chapter 36 It's Only a Pen

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Two Hours Later, Inside the Changing Room


Yoleta handed Grew-Ella her phone back. "Zill added another tracking app. I'll place extra security near your apartment. Your sister has hacked your emails and has been reading them for some time. I can't believe I trusted her and thought she loved you. She wasn't always evil. Your sister went to court to help me adopt you when you were younger. I should've been your mom."

"This isn't going to end well," Grew-Ella said.

Yoleta hugged her. "You're going to have to tell Quig."

"And I plan to when the NDA is up."

"Was it used to cover an illegal act?"

Grew-Ella looked to the ground. "The law doesn't matter."

"If you told me, I probably wouldn't remember it," Yoleta said.

"I saw you use that device on your wrist. Time travel will do that to you."

Yoleta guided her to her hearse, where Quig sat.

"Why don't I take you out to eat? My driver will leave your station wagon in its regular spot. I'll order, and your dinner will be waiting."

"What happened?" Quig asked.

Grew-Ella said nothing during the drive.

Quig checked the edits of his latest novel over his phone and implemented his favorite suggestions until they reached The Salad Princess. Dean Frog waved at them.

Grew-Ella sat down and ate her cucumber salad in silence, her eyes darting around.

Dean Frog jotted down his notes. "My article will be about how you two found love, and I'll be forever alone." He guzzled his glass of juice.

"Dozens of women desire you." Yoleta sat next to him.

Customers at another table chatted about a possible snowstorm.

Grew-Ella found a letter in her pocket and read it. Her hands trembled as she slipped the heart-shaped paper into her pocket. "Quig, I can't talk until Friday night."

"Can't we talk about this after dinner? I want a simple yes or no answer, and I can handle a no," Quig said.

"Not right now. We'll talk Friday." Grew-Ella reached for Quig's hand and felt him pull away.

Her fingers rested on her plate. "You keep secrets about your family. I can't give you an answer until we both trust one another," she said bitterly.

"You are right. I'm a hypocrite." He ate his rice and roasted vegetables. "At least tell me what happened at the aquarium."

"Chase attempted to kidnap her again," Yoleta said.

"He what?" Quig smacked his hand onto the table, and his plate rattled.

"Chase is trying to avoid reject status. His new show wasn't picked up, and Sean-Mack is losing power," Frog said.

Yoleta shook her head in disagreement. "Chase is trying to play the hero. Zill wants to kill Grew-Ella. My team found disturbing emails sent to Vex. She's spying on us; it's all fair."

"We'll talk about it on Friday." Quig squeezed Grew-Ella's wrist. "I didn't mean to stress you further."

Grew-Ella hyperventilated. "Quig, my answer is that I think you are the best man I know."

He hugged her. "I'm here for you."

Rodrick walked in their direction. A knife and a tiny notebook were between his fingers. "Our soon-to-be ex-leader is sending a goon to pummel Grew-Ella if she and Quig don't follow his orders. Is she okay?"

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