Chapter 5: The Hashiras' progress

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  The Hashira were making their way through the woods when Giyu caught up. "Oh, hello Tomioka!" Said Shinobu. Giyu stayed silent. "What's happening, are we on the right track?" Asked Giyu, Mitsuri answered, "We are pretty sure we are, in fact we think we're getting close!" "Hmm, okay." Concluded Giyu. After a bit more walking, they came up on a town, it was a town full of life there were people everywhere buying things at shops and talking, even though it was late night. "Do you really think demons would be here?" Giyu asked "it doesn't even look like there's a single place you could stay without being seen." Added Giyu. "I'm kinda with Tomioka on this one, I think we aren't in the right place." Said Shinobu "we should at least look around! What if tanjiro actually is here?" Asked Mitsuri. "We should at least look around a little, we came all this way." It was the first time Sanemi had said anything this entire trip. "You actually wanna look around Sanemi? I would've guessed you would wanna not find the kid," stated Shinobu. "Oh, Shut up!" Yelled Sanemi. "Now we're definitely gonna look around Kocho" yelled Sanemi. "Whatever" said Shinobu. And so they entered the town and looked around for any place a demon with a human captive could be. After hours of searching though they found nothing. "I told you guys that Tanjiro wouldn't be here" remarked Shinobu smugly "Actually wasn't it Giyu who said Tanjiro wouldn't be here? All you did was agree with him, Shinobu" stated Mitsuri "YEAH SHINOBU" screamed Sanemi. " let's go!" Yelled Giyu clearly running out of patience, it was clear all he wanted to do was find Tanjiro. The sun was coming up now. "Giyu did you end up getting Nezuko to safety?" Asked Mitsuri sounding worried most likely because Nezuko's a demon and the sun was rising. "Yes" said Giyu simply. "Oh good" stated Mitsuri relieved. "Well I kinda doubt we'll find any demons in the broad daylight." Said Sanemi. "Well let's keep searching to see if we can find a place demons would actually be nesting." Stated Shinobu calmly. And so the Hashiras walked on until they found a rural and nearly abandoned town. "Now this is a place demons would be if they had a human captive and didn't want to be found." Said Sanemi "ok let's look around" Giyu said sounding insanely relieved. They searched around until they came up upon a suspicious alleyway in between two buildings. "..." all of them were silent. They all were thinking the same thing, this is where the demon had to be.

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