Chapter 3: Things over at the infinity castle

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The hitman had made their way to a rural and almost abandoned town. They walked over to an alleyway when a door suddenly appeared to the left of them. They walked in, they were now in the infinity castle. A tall figure appeared in front of them, he had short, curly black hair. A white hat and a white suit on and he had red glowing eyes and long blue fingernails. "L-lord Muzan, we captured the boy you asked for."said the leader with the fox mask. "And you did it faster than I expected." Said the deep voice of Muzan Kibutsuji. "I'll make you an offer, but first place the boy in that room over there." He pointed to a door that had very suddenly appeared next to them. All 40 of the hitman walked into the room and set the unconscious and still bleeding Tanjiro down on the wooden floor of the room when they heard what sounded like the strum of a Biwa. When the emerges from the room they were all in a different area and Muzan was stranded on a slightly elevated part of the floor. "Kneel before me." Muzan said, all of the hitman immediately obeyed. The leader was in the front of them all. "So, how would all of you like to turn into demons and continue to work for me as my hitman?" Offered Muzan. The leader in the fox mask thought about it for a minute, he decided on saying no, but he would have to be as polite as possible if he wanted to keep his life. "I'm afraid we will all politely have to decline Lord Muzan." Said fox mask. "WHY?" Asked Muzan very aggressively. "Well I'm afraid we all enjoy our humanity, and we are hitman for whoever wants us and has the proper payment for us, we aren't private hitman. Trust me we have gotten this offer many times but we have declined many very powerful people." Concluded fox mask. "Speaking of payment It would be nice if we could discuss that." Added fox mask. "..." Muzan was being very silent before he finally said "fine then, do what you wish with them." Muzan turned away and with the strum of a Biwa, he was gone. 7 other demons had appeared though. One  had grey skin littered with black spots and messy black and green hair put up in a bun. He was very skinny, so skinny in fact it looked like his ribs were about to pierce through his stomach, he was holding two blood red sickles in his hands. There was another demon on his back, she had white skin, and on her face there was a flowery pattern. She had very revealing clothes on, and she had white and green hair put up in a beautiful, long ponytail with nice looking pins in her hair. There was a weird deformed demon next to them. This demon had 14 arms spread out around his body, he was coming out of a vase and he had an eye where his mouth was supposed to be and to mouths where his eyes were supposed to be alongside another eye on his forehead, he looked oddly happy. There was a demon on their hands and knees next to him. He had a huge big lump on his head in between two horns also on his head. He had glowing red eyes and he looked very scared. He also had messy black hair. Behind him stood a very amused looking demon. He had long white hair that had a red and black pattern on the top. He had a red and black shirt on that matched the pattern on his head. He had beautiful rainbow eyes and he was next to a very annoyed looking demon. He had bright pink hair and multiple curving blue lines on both of his eyes alongside another blue line that went halfway down his face and stopped right above his nose. He had blue eyes and yellow pupils. He also had grey skin and a tiny reddish pink vest on, other than that he was practically shirtless. There was one last demon,  next to the one with pink hair. He looked like the leader. He had six eyes and a fire pattern on his face. He had white-grey skin and black hair with red tips. He had a purple and black checkered haori and a sword on his hip. Suddenly all of the demons attacked the hitman. Making their way through all the hitman lightning fast. The last thing the fox mask leader ever heard was the ear splitting screams of all his comrades.

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