"Perfect let's gooo!"Kiki said as she dragged her out to the mall in her bike.

Removing her helmet in the parking lot Aditi looked at Kiki who seemed nervous

"What's wrong?" She asked

"That's..... actually! We are not here to buy me cosmetics "

"Wait! You want vanilla pastries?? Or wait cookies? Or that halwa store you were telling about? That's why you brought me here?Aishu and riya will burn us alive if they know we ate these alone"

"Ahh! Aditi i brought you here because...look behind "

Aditi turned around and saw aravind getting down his bike wearing a pastel green shirt and white pants.

She turned around and looked at keerthana and then again at aravind and continued the step for four more times and stopped at keerthana

Keerthana shrugged and Aditi understood it all, she picked up her bag and walked towards the mall

"You carry on! I will roam around!" Keerthana said and aravind nodded as he ran behind Aditi

Ten minutes passed and all that aravind wanted to talk about went straight up to the sky and he was busy walking beside her to every shop she went in and brought nothing.

Aditi was clearly ignoring his efforts and smiling secretly enjoying his struggles .

Aravind noticed it!

Currently they were in a bookstore and aravind knew it's gone take an hour for her to get out hence he tried to grab his attention






"Aditi"He called walking behind her through the book racks

"What?" She asked turning to him

"Hiiiii!" He said smiling sheepishly and Aditi Chuckled

"What do you want aravind?" She asked folding her hands across her chest

"A chance ?"

"What if you fail in that? You know i have trust issues! You know it takes days for me to heal ! You know i am coward who doesn't wanna get hurt ! You know that's why I did not make a move!" Aditi said

"What if this heals your trust issues ?what if we work?" He asked as he picked up her hands in his

"I---! I don't know"

Gently peaking her knuckles, aravind looked at her

"Trust me!" He whispered leaning in and Aditi placed her index finger on his forehead and slowly pushed him behind smiling.

"I will! Give me some time!" She said and he nodded

Walking out from the store , Aditi and Aravind walked towards the food court .

"What do you want to have?" Aravind asked

"Anything will do!"

"Alright " he said and walked away

Just when Aditi 's phone rang and it was from roshan

"Hey?" Came a exicted voice from that side


"Listen Aditi! Coming Monday i will back at town!"

"That's great!" Aditi said as she saw aravind waiting in the line to grab the burgers

"You wanna meet up?" Roshan asked

"I..i am busy on Sunday! Maybe next time" Aditi struggled

"Alright! But if you change ur mind let me know" Roshan said

"This is for you and this is for that lil devil! I have to bribe to get you here" aravind said as he sat beside her

"Alright i will call you later!" Aditi said as she ended the call

"Who is that?" Aravind asked

"Roshan! He is coming this Sunday " Aditi said as she took a bite from the burger

"Ohh!" Came a low and sutle relpy

"You gone meet him?" He asked

Aditi nodded as no

"We have play practise" she said and aravind nodded smiling.






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