Issue 4: The Strangest Things

Start from the beginning

Amity smiled. "I can tell you're feeling honestly scared me back there."

"Psh! I'm, uhh, stronger than I look!" Luz said. "B-but thanks for checking u-up on me, it's good to stalk to you-"

She then quickly sat up after realizing her mistake. "I MEAN TALK. IT'S GOOD TO TALK TO YOU."

Amity blinked before giggling. "You're a dork, Luz Noceda. But, I mean that in the absolute best way possible. Hopefully I'll see you around."

She then looked at everyone else, specifically at Willow. "Hopefully all of you around."

Willow was about to speak before Amity walked away. She sighed a bit, but Gus just patted her shoulder.

" don't actually stalk Amity, do you?" Hunter asked.

Luz turned to him, still blushing from the encounter with Amity. "I may have a gigantic crush on her the size of our city, but I know what personal space and privacy is, dude!"

Hunter raised his hands in surrender. "Just making sure, Luz."

Luz sighed. "It's sad you'd think I'd do something like that."

Hunter just grinned. "I'm one of your best friends, I have the right to make fun of you."

"As do I, gap tooth." Luz smirked.

Hunter's eyes narrowed. "Okay, let's stop talking."

"He can dish it, but he can't take it." Luz laughed. "It was a joke, Hunt. You make it look good!"

"Willow definitely thinks so-" Vee said before Willow quickly covered her mouth.

Luz hummed to herself as she went to her locker. Amity talked to her. This was the second time they actually had a conversation without her running for the hills or at least wanting to.

Amity didn't even seem to mind her incredibly loud correction of her own words. Maybe that meant she didn't mind weirdness.

Luz smiled at the thought. This was as great a start as any-

Then, her head suddenly began ringing again. Luz's eyes suddenly widened as the ringing started to sound like...a warning?

Suddenly, reacting out of instinct again, she whipped around and dodged a hand trying to grab her. She looked at the owner of the hand and her eyes widened.

Amity Blight's ex-girlfriend and one of the most 'popular' students in school.


Luz's eyes narrowed and she backed up a bit. "Boscha...I doubt you're coming to see if I'm alright..."

"No. And I could care less if you are." Boscha sneered. "Look, whatever happened to you is sad and all...but stay away from Amity. Got it?"

Luz's eyes widened and she quickly got defensive. "You still aren't over her, are you? Boscha, you and her broke up a year ago!"

"We didn't break up! We're just taking a break before we get back together! Either way, it's none of your damn business!" Boscha snarled as she tried to grab Luz by the shirt, only for Luz to suddenly dodge again. "Just stay away from her! I saw how you were talking to her, making googly eyes...she's mine."

Luz scoffed. "She's not anyone's. Maybe this is why you broke up! Cause you treat her like property!"

Boscha was silent before she swung her arm at Luz.

Luz swiftly dodged and started backing into the middle of the hall for everyone to see the two.

Students began walking over or even backing up, clearly wondering what was going on or were somewhat excited to see a fight.

"Boscha, I don't wanna fight." Luz said, raising her hands to surrender. "Can we just get to class and move on?"

"Of course you don't wanna fight." Boscha snarled. "You'd lose."

But then, a voice screamed. "BOSCHA!!!"

Boscha turned and then her eyes narrowed. "Amity-"

"Don't even start!" Amity cried as she shoved a few students out of her way. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"What am I doing!? What are you doing talking to someone like her?!" Boscha exclaimed, pointing at Luz.

Amity clenched her fist. "Someone like her? This is exactly why I broke up with you!!! You kept me too close and forbid me from talking to anyone!"

"You didn't know how good you had it with me!"

"You didn't even know what good meant!" Amity shot back. "I don't even care if you don't wanna change...just walk away. Leave Luz and everyone else alone."

Luz then stepped in and grabbed Boscha's shoulder. "You heard her! Just leave-"

Boscha then shot her fist right at Luz...but much to everyone's surprise.

Luz actually caught her fist, causing everyone to gasp.

Boscha's eyes widened and she tried the same with her other fist, only for Luz to catch that too.

Luz's eyes were wide at what she was doing...she felt strong, yet terrified all at the same time. Her hands even trembled, but not from Boscha pushing back, just out of shock and confusion.

She then pushed Boscha away and there was silence for a moment...but arrogantly, Boscha tried to shove Luz onto the floor...only for Luz to suddenly front flip into the air and right behind Boscha, even sticking the landing perfectly.

The students all gasped and some of them even took a photo.

Amity stared at Luz with an expression that she couldn't quite name. "L...Luz...?"

"...I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST DID." Luz said, standing up and looking around before she quickly lost sight of Amity when the other students started to surround her.

Question after question or picture after picture happened...but there was only one question Luz wanted answered.

What happened to her?

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