It's Alright Darling

Start from the beginning

Peter licked his lips, unsure what to do. He looked around the empty flat a moment, then said, "Would you like to stay a little while here? You can sit on the couch."

Marlene stepped around him and fell onto the couch, grabbing her favorite throw pillow and hugging it to her chest. "Oh Peter, why do I have to be so stupid? I'm always so stupid."

He was making sure the door was locked, and then he came over hesitantly toward the couch. "I don't think you're stupid," Peter said, then added, stupidly, "You're a Ravenclaw!" 

Marlene shook her head, "I'm sooo stupid." She buried her face in the throw pillow. "Why couldn't I just say yes?"

"She really asked you to marry her?"

"Yes, it was so precious, too, and I had to ruin it."

"What happened?"

"We were out to dinner and everything, at our favorite place, and she was holding my hand at the table, and she let me have the last breadstick --" Marlene paused. "I love the breadsticks and they always bring you this basket with three in them and it's like there's two people, you idiots, why would you only bring three? Bring two or four but not three, that's just asking to start a fight at your bloody tables!"

"That was nice of her, to give you the third."

"I would've fought her for it anyways," Marlene admitted. 

"Still," Peter said, shrugging.

"Yeah. She's always so thoughtful about things like that." And Marlene set herself off again.

Peter said, "So she - she proposed when she gave you the bread, then?"

"No, she waited until after and we had dessert and we were sharing and she did that stupid thing with a ring in the cake, so I find it all covered with cheesecake and I clean it off and while I'm realizing what's on, she's suddenly on her knee and there's loads of people looking at us from all the other tables and she doesn't even care that some of them are whispering stuff and I thought I was going to die."

"Whispering stuff?"

"You know, because we're -- both girls."

"Oh that sort of stuff."

"Yeah." Marlene nodded. "Em doesn't even notice. She just goes on asking and she looked so pretty. But I scolded her and I was so embarrassed and she didn't know how to react gracefully so the next thing I know I'm running after her out of the restaurant and the waiter's screaming we didn't pay our check and Em's got all the bloody muggle money in her purse but she's already out in the street and I'm throwing galleons at the man because I don't bloody know what else to do and he's cursing me and threatening to call the policeymen, so finally I just said, CALL THEM THEN CHAP and I ran out the door after Em... 

"Oh no," Peter muttered.

"She's halfway down the street and it's raining and there's all these bars 'round there so the street's crowded and she's walking so bloody fast and I had on heels and I'm tripping because the ground's wet and I'm trying to run and finally I took my shoes off and just -- I don't know where they are, probably on the street somewhere, I ran after her in my stockings and my feet were soaked and it was so bloody cold -- and I finally catch up and she scolds me for running after her without my shoes! She says they were expensive shoes and I shouldn't have just thrown them down," Marlene shook her head. "Can you imagine? All that and she's pissed off over my shoes! My shoes. They weren't even --" she paused. Then, "Oh shit they WERE her shoes! We borrow each others shoes so often, I - shit."

Peter raised an eyebrow.

Marlene covered her face with her palms. 

"So you had a fight over the shoes?"

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now