Yet in my search, I had stumbled across something else. A security camera video of a young girl speaking with a man. A man who had wings. Upon conducting more research I found out that like Canis, the other departments had interns as well. Interns who had managed to escape the clutches of Dr. Grant before all of this. Interns who were most likely hiding in fear of his retaliation, unaware that I had put a bullet between his eyes.

Given that I couldn't find closure for myself, I decided that the best thing to do would be to give it to those I could. So, I began writing letters. Letters address to the interns in the video who had escaped. One addressed to a girl in California, and the other, to a girl in Hawaii. Lettered telling them what had happened to Dr. Grant, and his permanent retirement.

As soon as I was discharged from the Quantico City Hospital, I walked straight to the post office, letters in hand. People paid me no mind as I walked hastily down the showing city streets, passing by buildings and alleyways as I tried to remember the route. Eventually the red outline of the mailbox came into view, and I approached. It had a small covering of snow that I wiped away to reveal the outbound mail slot. Giving my letters one last look, I slid the envelopes into the slot, and let out a breath of relief.

At least they could find their closure...I thought as fog curled around my mouth.

Winter was now in full bloom, reminding me how much time had passed since I had been saved. But also, how much time had passed since I had seen Seven. With each passing day, I began questioning if our time together was just my imagination. But even though nobody had seen him and there was no evidence of him ever existing, I refused to give in. I knew he was real, and now that I was free, I was going to find him.

It was late now, and the streets grew quiet. The roads were void of cars, and only the rare passerby chances the cold avenue I stood on.

Just then, I heard my phone begin to ring, the sound echoing against the tall buildings and quiet alleyways. Sliding it out of my jacket pocket, I pressed answer and held it to my ear.


"Agent, it's Hoffiled. It's good to hear from you." I heard Chief Hoffiled say from the other line.

"Hey Chief." I sighed, the cold air curling around my mouth as I glanced around the empty streets.

"I heard you're getting discharged today." The Chief spoke, and I didn't miss the hope in his voice. He made it clear he wanted me to come back to work as soon as I was able, and I guess that meant now.

"Yeah, just got out about an hour ago." I replied, stepping away from the mail box as I made my way down the quiet streets. All the while, I kept my eyes on the road, waiting to see a cab to hail so I could finally go home.

"It's late. Do you need a lift?" I heard the Cheif ask, and I pressed my lips together, glancing down the empty streets.

Just then, I heard a voice from behind me and I froze.

"You shouldn't be here..." The voice echoed around me and I sucked in a breath. Staying silent, I listened, waiting for them to speak again, but they didn't.

"Agent?" The Cheif asked again when I had yet to reply, but I ignored him, staying quiet as I listened.

Snow fell from the sky, landing in my hair and melting on the street before me as I waited, my heart beating wildly in my chest as the silence stretched. Just as I thought the voice wouldn't come again, it did, but this time, closer.

"It's not safe..." The voice sounded, sending a chill down my spine.

Clenching my fist, I turned around quickly, ready to swing only to find nothing but a dark alleyway behind me. Shadows stretched across the thin gap of buildings, yet I saw no sign of anyone.

"Sorry, I heard something and got spooked. Guess I'm still a bit jumpy." I explained, running a hand through my hair as I stared at the darkness ahead of me. Unwilling to turn away just yet.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" The Chief asked again, his voice worried.

"I-" I began before pausing as the noise sounded again.

This time, I knew that the noise sounded from the alleyway, just beyond the shadows. Squinting my eyes, I watched as a figure shifted in the darkness, growing larger as it approached.

My knuckles turned white as they gripped the phone in my hands, my breathing coming out in quick puffs to match my racing heart. All the while, I stood frozen, watching as the figure neared the edge of the shadows where the street lamps could not reach. Something about the way it moved seemed unnatural, yet intriguingly familiar enough to keep me from running. Leaning forward, I tried to catch a glimpse at whoever was there.

Suddenly, the figure stopped, tilting its head up look to at me. Golden eyes met my curious gaze and I gasped, taking a stunned step back. Meanwhile, the figure watched me silently from the shadows, tilting its head before it lifted its arm, extending its hand out to me from the darkness.

"I think I'll pass on that ride, thanks." I suddenly said before hanging up on a confused Chief Hoffiled.

Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I glanced at the figure and the hand extended to me, a small smile chancing my lips.

"How did you find me?" I asked, stepping forward as I placed my hand in theirs.

A familiar warmth radiated from where our hands met, up my arm and rushed to my head, making my face flush. As soon as I took their hand, the figure clamped around my fingers, pulling me into the cover darkness with them.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, their face slowly came into focus and I could finally see their face clearly. Long dark hair fell over their sharp features as they looked down at me, a relieved yet affectionate expression on their face.

"It wasn't easy," The figure spoke, leaning down to place a delicate kiss on my cheek.

Letting out a relieved breath, I wrapped my arms around their neck, pulling them close and unwilling to let go. Not again, not ever.

"I missed you...Seven."

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