Act 3 - Chapter 42: Ari

Start from the beginning

"This way," Cleo says as she points at an exit ramp.

I follow behind Cleo and Lucia, hoping to reach an answer. Beyond the exit ramp, we ride past a multitude of abandoned buildings and crumbled structures. Although, I wonder why so many of the broken down vehicles comprise military transport units. Upon deeper glancing, most of the buildings were once part of a military base. To be exact, Area 51. Rusted Restricted Area signs surround the vicinity. Along the path, the skeletons of dead soldiers, broken down death robots, and more totaled military vehicles litter the scene.

Then we reach a patch of land not like the familiar desert. Instead of waves of sand, lush green grass paint the landscape with white, yellow, and red flowers. The scent of daisies, roses, and fresh grass invade my nostrils. Our motorcycles also transform into regular bicycles like magic. As we proceed deeper, we reach a playground where a familiar young girl sways on the swing set. It's Mathilde and instead of her in her cybernetic body suit, she's in a plain red dress.

Mathilde notices me and greets, "Arizona, come play with me."

For some reason or another, I feel much younger again. Cleo and Lucia also look younger.

Cleo now has black cornrows on her head instead of thick blue and gold braids, while Lucia has longer hair down to her waist. Instead of their WarGames uniforms, Cleo now sports a denim jacket, a plain white shirt underneath, and baggy black jeans. Lucia has a yellow striped shirt and blue tight pants. Both of them have black sneakers.

Glancing at myself, I'm now wearing a plain green shirt, loose-fit faded blue jeans, and brown boots. My hair is also longer with braids off to one side.

"Arizona," Mathilde says with a smile, "Are they your friends?"

"They are," I answer, my voice higher pitched to reflect my younger self. "She's Cleo and she's Lucia."

In that instant, Mathilde's eyes widen and her legs falter. She's on her knees and begins to cry. Then the surroundings lose their color. The grass turns brown and the flowers wilt. The metal around the playground corrode and rust. Moving parts like the swing set and the merry-go-round begin squeaking.

Cleo, Lucia, and I return to our older teenage selves in our casual clothes. Mathilde as well, no longer in her plain red dress. Instead, she's wearing her tight cyborg suit with a red cloak over her.

I extend my hand. "Let's go home, Mathilde."

"Home?" Mathilde weeps. "Our home is gone, Arizona. Our mother destroyed it with her nightmarish creations."

"I can bring you to a new home," I say, tears welling. "A home with new friends. A new family. A home where all of us feel welcome. And away from the sick and demented woman who claims to be our mother."

Mathilde raises her head, glancing at me. Then she hugs me tight, her head resting on my chest. "Will Miss Hikaru be there?"

"Yes," I gasp.

"How about Miss Cithara?"

"Yes," I answer again.

"And Cleo and Lucia?"

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. I want to say yes but to be honest, I'm not one-hundred percent certain, especially after their transformation.

Lucia answers while resting her hand on Mathilde's shoulder, "Be not afraid, little one. Even if we are not there at your new home, we will be there in your heart. Both Cleo and I."

Cleo says, flexing one arm, "That's right, kiddo. Besides, after what your mum did to our bodies in the real world, your new friends might be in for a culture shock. Don't worry though. We'll be around." She winks and smiles.

Of course. They have new forms now. Though, I wonder if they survived the meltdown from the Aether Dome. Perhaps there's something about their new bodies that would protect them from the dome's aftershocks. I try not think about it too hard. Instead, I hold on to Mathilde tight, comforting her. "Remember Mathilde. I'll always be by your side, no matter what. Whenever you get scared, always think of me."

"Promise?" Mathilde sniffles.

"I promise," I say with a smile.

A sudden radiant golden light begins to glow. It seems to come from Mathilde. Something is lifting her up. Something ethereal and heavenly.

Mathilde whispers as she floats away, "Let me go, Arizona. And thank you for everything."

I loosen my hold as Mathilde levitates up and, in a quick flash of light, she's vanishes.

Before me, a swirling rift appears.

Cleo shrugs. "I guess this is where we part ways."

Lucia nods. "Yes, Cleo is right. Ari, you need to return to your world now."

I gasp. "You're not coming?"

"No," Cleo answers. "This is our home now. Well, at least in this form. In our monster forms? Maybe you'll run into us again — who knows — but your people need you. That robot elf lady. The rabbit girl. The boy with the horns. Those are you new family. Lucia and I have to stay here." Cleo places her hand on my shoulder. "You're a great leader and don't you forget that, but those people out there need you more than the two of us."

Lucia adds, "We wish you the best of luck." Then she extends her fist forward. "No matter what happens, we're Neon City Valkyries forever."

Cleo and I extend our fists, our knuckles colliding. "We are Valkyries forever!" we yell in unison.

"Now go," Cleo urges. "Go through that portal. Mathilde is waiting for you at the other side."

"Thanks guys," I say with a low voice. I was never good at saying good bye, but I have a feeling this could be the last time I see the two in their human forms.

Before entering the rift, I turn my head one last time and notice Cleo and Lucia now in their monstrous nightmare forms, waving good bye. Then I depart.

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