We Have a Choice

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There was a meeting concerning Japan's Government officials, to discuss the event that took place recently in Neo-Tokyo. The man head of the meeting was Senator Henry Maverick of the US with all the other government officials from Japan, England, Africa, Russia, China, and Canada.

They were all seating at a round table, Henry turned off the lights. He turned his chair to the side, for his men to get a better view of the screen behind him. It showcase what seem like fighting, although it was hard to see who. He paused the video.

"I appreciate you gentlemen coming together to discuss this matter of what just occurred. As you know 5 years ago, there was an explosion that took out half of Tokyo, and from what was said about the incident. It can take out the whole world, which thankful, it stopped before it could reach the other countries and us."

"What does that have to do with the video you're trying to show us, Senator?" The England Senator George Montgomery.

"It has a lot to do with this clip, the event two years ago was caused by kids that had kinetic and psychic abilities. The disaster caused half of Tokyo to be destroyed was two of the strongest kids a boy named Akira and another Boy Tetsuo Shima... As you see in this clip."

He played the video, it showed the destruction going around. It was big blast attacks going everywhere, and when they were able to get a closer look at the people fighting. It was still blurry, but you could see the gender. Henry paused it on there.

Adam was at the meeting, and was thankful it wasn't a clear view of his little project test subject. He kept it under wraps until it was time.

"The destruction that's happening was not caused by weapons... Does anyone see a weapon on those two?" All the Senators shook there heads.

"And the looks of it a fight between what looks to be a teenage girl and boy, that has his face covered. But these kids are fighting at an unnatural speed, and they're the only two causing damage. Which means that there are more of these damn supernatural beings! Which could possibly lead to another apocalyptic destruction, but reach pass Japan and engulf the world."

The men around the table began whispering to one another, as they were quite concern about the incident. They didn't want to encounter the same situation Japan went through.

"And what do you advise we do about this? Are you suggesting this could lead to a global alert?" The Senator of Africa Faraji Abebe inquired.

"Also, even though they have... What you say supernatural abilities of mass genocide... Are we sure they are a threat, I'm a man that believes in having powerful Allies the. Powerful foes." The Senator of Russian Viktor Gorbachev advised.

"We should probably analyze the situation further gentleman. Before we do any drastic, if they aren't a threat we can leave them be, but if they may be... We need to be able to take caution and not cause them to want go to such length such as destruction." The Senator of Canada Mark Elburn chimed in.

"I agree with Mr. Elburn, we need to know what we're dealing with before we take action." The Senator of China Dong Chen agreed.

"I understand all of you gentlemens concerns and I have considered all that you have said. So that is why I brought in my trustee general, concerning a conclusion on the matter. General Adam Stone, who will secretly gather entail on the two and handle it accordingly."

Adam stood up, to make himself known to the other Senators. "Thank You! Senator Henry, your very kind and gracious... So yes, I will be going into getting information from people around Tokyo on the event that took place, and see if anyone has seen those two around."

"And just what do you plan to do if you find those two people, when the time arises... Like The Senator of Russia said, it's better to have a powerful alley compared to an enemy." The Senator of Japan Daiki Yamamoto, addressed to Adam.

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