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Kaori didn't like Susie and the hate was mutual. Kaori really wanted her to stop being so close to Tetsuo. Especially when she wanted to have her alone time with him, what would make it worse. Tetsuo would just let it happen.

Despite how Kaori was feeling about her, Tetsuo hated being snuggled up or holding hands in public. Any kind of display of affection, but he lets Susie hug on his arm. It's not like Kaori could confront her, she doesn't do to well with confrontation nor do well with fights. Which was drawn to her when she was younger and was every bullies target. She's glad she doesn't have to deal with it anymore, especially when she got with Tetsuo; well they were just afraid to be near him.

Although for some reason this Susie girl came out of nowhere, and started trying to get close to Tetsuo. They were all at Kaneda's place, well except Kaneda and Tetsuo. Who went out real quick to do something but they didn't tell them what. Just that they'll be back soon.

Kaori and Kei was in the kitchen, while Kai was talking to Susie in the living room. Kei noticed Kaori was out of it and cutting the vegetables very slowly, Kei stopped her hand. Kaori jumped at the touch then relaxed realizing it was just Kei.

"Hey are you okay?" Kei asked concerned.

Kaori gave her a sad smile, "I-I'm okay, just tired."

"You should rest then."

Kaori was caught off guard by Susie popping up behind the two, "N-No I'll be alright."

"Actually I never got to know you like the others. Mind if we talk for a bit." Kaori was quiet for a bit and then turned and looked at Kei. Who gestured her head that she can go.

"Don't worry I'll finish the rest, and prep them in a container for you."

Kaori nervously nodded, Susie smiling quickly grabbing hold of Kaori's wrist and pulling her upstairs. Kaori didn't know why getting to know her was a private thing, but she just left it alone.

They used Kai's room, which was slightly messy and sat on the floor. "I apologize if it's so sudden, I just wanted to know if I offended you anyway... I'm sorry if I had." Susie made a pout.

Kaori quickly shook her head. Maybe Susie didn't know what she was doing and Tetsuo never says anything about it, "N-N-No! Y-You haven't... Well... I don't t-think you meant to. It's just a personal issue for me."

"You mean you being insecure?"

Kaori didn't know how to react to that, so she was just silent. Susie grinned at her, "How did you and... KABUKI, ending getting together... You don't seem like the kind of person he would date..."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Well... I don't want to come off mean, like you don't seem like a bad girl... you seem like a cool girl, but you two are like night and day... Wanna know what I think?" She smirked at her.

Kaori didn't know if she wanted to hear it or not, but she just went on and nodded.


Kaneda and Tetsuo were driving to get what they always get. What they would call special goods, although they couldn't go to where they use too.

Because of... Certain reasons they ain't gonna a mention. As they were riding, a certain thought came to Kaneda.

"I never got a chance to ask you. Before those assholes tried to snatch my ride... How did you come back... You and Kaori?"

Tetsuo didn't respond immediately, trying to figure out how to explain it

"Well... I didn't really die per say, I was taken somewhere else... Somewhere I can go to control my power and that could handle it..." Tetsuo was trying to explain, Kaneda was just listening.

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