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5 years passed after the incident with Akira and Tetsuo. The big explosion that again wiped 50% of Tokyo's population. Which caused the population to decreased even more.

leaving only a few people remaining trying to fix everything up and back to the norm. Things have been progressing but... Slowly, although it'll take a long time. For Tokyo you to heal from the incident that had left deep impactful scar in the minds and heart.

Especially for Kaneda....

Kaneda, Kei, and Kai stayed together as a group supporting part of another side of Tokyo. It's a more secluded and quiet place, the only time they went to their other side was to get specific things and more supplies. Kaneda leading a new bike gang with Kai in it.

His new crew is the ones he'll send out to retrieve things majority of the time. While he helped his girlfriend with the other stuff. The shit was boring for Kaneda, but he would never say to Kei. As she would attack him for being annoying and immature. Despite it being boring, it did help distract him from... other things.

Whenever Kaneda was alone, he would sometimes wonder in his thoughts. Sad, Depressed, and frustrated. With all that happened two years ago, he couldn't forget... how could he ever forget... the pain and suffering that happened between Him and Tetsuo.... Tetsuo especially... His best friend all the way when they were orphans. He didn't, things just became fucked up so quickly.

Because of that kid, the clowns, hell he blames everyone in the whole damn city... Which means he blames himself for the destruction of Tokyo and Tetsuo's death. It was so much to bear and he didn't want anyone to see that. He was the leader and he had to be strong for the gang, and his girlfriend. For everyone that turned to him, to get them through this.


The Trio lived in a two story apartment together. Which was fine for them, as they enjoyed each other's company and needed it. Kei was out helping the older ladies fix up the neighborhood hood. Kaneda was laying on the couch lost in his thoughts like always. Until Kai stood over him calling his name.

"K A N E D A! Hey are you still alive man?" Kai asked waving his hand over his face.

Kaneda smacked it out the way groaning sitting up, "What the hell is so important that you need to disturb my damn nap huh?"

"Kei wants to see if we can go into the far side of the city to pick up specific items for her?"

"Why the hell can't our other men do it?"

"They haven't returned from the first errand you sent them on."

Kaneda rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath, being frustrated for a bit because his rest was disturbed but eventually shrugged it off. He could use some fresh air, it'll help get his mind off of things. Him and Kai got ready and went to their bikes to rev them up. Kei came up to Kaneda and gave him the list, he saw the paper and turned his nose.

"What the fuck is this!? A damn grocery list? What do we need all this shit for anyways."

Kei rolled her eyes, "Because genius, we need these specific metals and amount. To fix up the homes down the way. And it's not as if you were doing anything."

"Well I could be doing something, if a specific person wasn't always so busy." Kaneda smirked at Kei. She only shook her head and chuckled at him. Quickly pulling him into a kiss before breaking it by pushing him, but she didn't do it hard. But it was strong enough to almost make him fall off his bike. As she walked away she shouted not turning around.

"You better return with everything on that list and be careful." She waved to them from behind. Kaneda only scoffed at her amusingly before Kai and him sped off. Driving through the streets, on a cool and calm starry night. Was always so relaxing to Kaneda, you feel so free of worry and pain. The carefree spirit not having to think about anything but the road ahead of you and where it'll take you.

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