"Wedding planner business. I told you that was going to keep me busy this week, remember?" I tell him and he gives me a smirk.

"But your work is done for the day? You're ready to play?" He asks and I had no desire to go to the club after this, but the way he's looking at me has me wondering if I shouldn't call it an early night.

"Eh, we'll see. There is always work that can be done," I reply and then reach over to dig into the chips and salsa. The one thing I was looking forward to when Chase told me we were going to Mexico was the food.

I hear loud giggling and Tory's distinct deep voice so I glance to the left and watch the rest of the party come filing in. Ainslee is back in white, dressed in a tiny mini-dress and it's obvious that Chase did get fried today.

"Heard of sunscreen? I ask as he sits across from me and he gives me a playful eye roll.

"You know I burn easily."

"You should see Tory's back. It's day one and she's a lobster," Maddie says before smacking Tory on the back and we all watch her wince.

"How come you left the beach?" Kaitlyn asks as she sits down next to me and I look at Ainslee, "I went and met with the coordinator. Finalized the layout and I gave her the shot list you asked for."

"Thank god," Ainslee gushes and she doesn't seem to be too drunk. "I'm so glad you're here to handle all of that. I'm not good at that stuff."

"Also your flowers are coming on Friday so I am going to meet with the florist and help put the centerpieces and bouquets together. I know you have paddle boarding and stuff planned, but I think I'll have to miss it." Logan squeezes my knee under the table and he knows how convenient it is that I'll have to miss the water sports day. He's been around me one day and already knows my tells.

"Oh perfect, let me know if you need anything from me," Ainslee says with a cute grin and then she grabs a handful of chips. I look over at Chase and watch him blink slowly. I think the guys have gone harder on the booze today than the girls. We seem to be much better at pacing ourselves.

I glance down the table and notice Maddie taking selfies with Kaitlyn and Tory chatting with Mike, who also got way too much sun today. Everyone seems dressed to go out after so I need some fuel to keep me going.

Alex orders tequila shots and that is the last thing I want right now. I ask for a vodka soda and I am surprised when Logan sticks to water.

"You want to be sober at the club?" I lean in and ask him incredulously.

"I want to wake up and go snorkeling in the morning. Being hungover in the water with a mask on is fucking miserable," he answers. "I'd invite you to come but..."

I wave him off, "Thanks, but I don't need to see the monsters that lurk in the water." I take a large chunk of the queso dip as Logan asks, "You're going to the club after?"

"I'm so tired. I don't want to but I don't want to be the party pooper the first night. I'll Irish goodbye like an hour in and go snuggle up in that massive bed." Logan is giving me a look I can't decipher and I eye him before stuffing the cheesy chip into my mouth. "I'm fucking starving."

"What are you two whispering about?" Ainslee giddily asks as if she just witnessed something scandalous.

"Stella being fucking starving," Logan says and then slides the queso closer to me.

"Did you two have a nice flight?" Ainslee asks with a smirk and in a tone that makes me confused. Chase leans back in his chair and I glance at Logan before answering, "Yeah. Thanks again for the ticket. It's going to be hard to go back to coach." Ainslee flits her pretty blue eyes to Logan trying to convey something unspoken and I am definitely missing something.

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