16 - the dean's office

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Friday, December 2nd

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Friday, December 2nd

It's been a few days since Carson stayed over at my apartment. She never talked about what happened with her father, and it doesn't seem like she wants to either.

Whether she tells me or not is completely up to her, but I don't like the fact that she's been avoiding me as well. Good thing is, I don't think she's quite as mad about what I did to Nick anymore. Though I have no intention of apologizing for it.

Perhaps it's because she's embarrassed that she called me instead of her friend. Or maybe it's because I mentioned that we fucked.

Either, or.

Instead of being with her, I'm stuck giving a transfer student a tour of the university. I don't understand why he can't just show himself around. He introduced himself, saying that his name was Zach, but I know that I'll probably forget it once this tour is over.

So far, he hasn't said much, and neither have I. The only times I've spoken up where to tell him where things are. I'm not going to bother trying to start a conversation with someone I have no interest in being acquainted with any longer than this.

I glance at him briefly, and he looks away from my direction. It's clear that he has been staring at me for a bit now, probably trying to figure out what to say. I can't blame him, I've made it pretty obvious that I don't want to be here.

"So..." Zach starts after clearing his throat. "Where are you from?"

I reply with a short, "Here."

"New York City?" he asks to confirm my answer.

I adjust my glasses so they rest better on my nose. "Yes."

"I'm from Minnesota. My transfer is really just me coming from online to in-person."

I couldn't care less. "That's the history department," I point out, dismissing his attempt at giving a background story.

"I'm glad you're nice." He smiles, lips pressed together.

I turn my head in his direction. Me? Nice? That's got to be another conversation starter.

"Did you expect me to not be?" I look away.

"Honestly, yeah," he admits with a shrug. "Everyone gave me warnings about you. They said that you were 'harsh' and 'unapproachable,'" he quotes.

Ah. That's nothing new.

"I'm only like that towards people who are annoying and intolerable," I cross my arms. "So, what does that say about them?"

He chuckles. "Fair point."

There's silence for a few moments more, and I want to kick myself for what I'm about to do next. "Have you found anyone nice enough to hang out with?"

I can't believe I'm attempting to be friendly. Damn you, Carson.

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