Chapter Ten

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Chat watched his girlfriend for a moment longer as she studied.
He knew she had contacts, he never knew she wore glasses.
And he never knew he would find glasses to be such an attractive complement to someone's face.
But then again, there were a lot of things he hadn't known were attractive until he saw Y/N do them.
For example, last week, he came to her house for a movie night, and when they settled for Lord of The Rings, which Chat had seen a considerable number of times, he hadn't expected Y/N to be such a geek about the movie.
But she was.
And he had never been so immensely turned on by someone who was talking about Gollum.
Most things he felt with her were uncharted territory for him, but that was what made everything worth it.
That's what gave him the thrill of figuring something out or fixing something, be it his own mistakes or the mistakes of others which left his girlfriend feeling sad.

Chat realized he was bordering on creepy behavior by standing and staring at Y/N for so long, so he knocked on her window, smiling when she came to open it.
"Evening, purrincess."
Y/N groaned at the lame pun, letting her boyfriend in, "Evening kitty cat."
"I didn't know you had glasses," Chat said as he closed the window and sat on Y/N's bed.
Y/N shrugged, "I usually wear contacts, but my eyes get too tired from the contacts and honestly it's easier to wear glasses than having to put on my contacts."
Chat nodded, "You should wear them more often," he bit his lip, pulling her to his lap, "You look really good."
Y/N smiled as her arms went around the hero's neck, "You really think so? Cause I usually get teased like hell for wearing them."
Chat frowned, before pressing a kiss to her head, "I think you look perfect regardless."
Y/N blushed brightly at him, laughing to cover up her embarrassment, "You're only saying that because we're dating."
Chat pressed a quick kiss to her lips, "Nah, I am an expert in recognizing beauty, and you, my dear, are a fucking masterpiece."
Y/N turned her head to the side as she felt her heart beating erratically and her breathing stopped in her lungs. His words made her feel things in her stomach. They weren't butterflies, they were a plethora of wild animals which she had caged inside of her and were demanding to be set free with every word Chat spoke.
Chat grabbed her chin gently, enjoying more than anything seeing her blushing face.
"You okay?"
Y/N hummed in agreement, not sure her words would actually help her answer his question.
As Chat opened his mouth, a knock came from Y/N's door.

"Y/N? Can I come in?"
Y/N stood from Chat's lap, panicking when she realized her door wasn't locked.
"J-just a moment Mari!" Y/N scrambled around her room, before looking at Chat, who was smugly smirking. "You need to hide!"
"What if we tell your sister?"
Y/N looked at Chat, sighing softly.
"Are you sure?"
Chat shrugged, liking the idea of showing his girlfriend off to someone.
"It's your sister. Isn't she your best friend?"
"Tied for the title with Goldilocks."

"Y/N, are you okay in there?" Came Marinette's voice from the other side of the door and Y/N jumped up, remembering her sister was still outside.
"Yeah, just-just a sec."
She turned back to Chat, "Adrien. I've told you about him. First supporter of our relationship? Blonde dude? Green eyes?"
"Oh, yeah," Chat said, trying his hardest to hide his smile, "the dude who convinced you to confess."
Y/N nodded, "Are you ready?"
Chat nodded as well, and Y/N went to her door, opening it and pulling Marinette inside before locking the door.
"Woah," Marinette laughed, "What are you hiding in here, a superhero or- Why is Chat Noir in your room?!" Marinette stalked toward the hero, and Chat had to make a serious effort not to jump and shrink away from the older Dupain-Cheng twin.
"Yeah, about that," Y/N began, pushing her sister to sit on her desk chair, "You know how you've been teasing me about having a secret boyfriend and being like an idiot in love all day long?"
Y/N shook Marinette slightly, "C'mon you know more words than that!"
"What- when-how," Marinette looked between the two of them, "I-I no words."
"She managed a sentence with a whopping total of 0 verbs. I'm impressed." Chat whistled and Marinette turned her eyes to him glaring.
"Listen here, Alley Cat!" Marinette said as she pointed her finger at him and reached for one of Y/N's pens, "You see this pen?"
Chat gulped as he looked at Y/N, who shrugged, "I-I do."
"Hurt my sister and I'll stab you with it and then fill it with your blood and write your death sentence with it."
"Alright, getting a little too graphic here," Y/N said, pulling her sister to sit back down, and Chat let out a deep breath, "but yeah, Chat and I are dating."
"Do you know who he is?" Marinette asked and Y/N shook her head.
"I don't. And unless he wants to tell me, I won't press him to do so. I understand his motives and respect his wishes."
Marinette was relieved. At least her partner wasn't putting her sister in danger by showing her his identity.
"How the fuck did you land my sister?!" Marinette asked and Chat smiled brightly.
"I'm a bit of a charmer, you know"
"He came over every night and I eventually saw him in a new light," Y/N said with a laugh and Chat pouted.
"My version would sound more romantic but whatever."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "He took me to the top of the Eiffel Tower at sunrise to ask me to be his girlfriend."
Y/N was smiling like a fool as she reached and pressed a kiss to Chat's cheek, and Marinette couldn't think of a time she had seen her sister this happy.
It was a shame that all the plans Marinette and Alya had made for Y/N and Adrien would be going to waste, but Marinette was genuinely happy that her sister had found love.

Kitty Cat ~ Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now