Chapter Three

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Y/N hadn't been to the swimming pool complex in weeks. She really wanted to, but the last time she'd been there, she'd been taken hostage by a villain so she was scared.
Marinette had offered to go with her and to take their friends as well so they could support her, but every time they neared the complex, Y/N panicked and ran back home.
So, Alya and Nino, remembering how Y/N had felt comfortable falling asleep near Adrien, figured they should schedule something for when he was available to go as well.
Adrien had agreed in a heartbeat, only wanting the best for his friend.
Since the Akuma incident, Y/N and Adrien had started texting daily.

So now, they stood in front of the pool complex, Y/N, her hand tightly held by Adrien, and Marinette, Luka, Nino, and Alya behind them.
Adrien turned to Y/N, "Are you sure you can do this?"
Y/N shrugged, "I-I don't know." She looked up at Adrien. "You promise you'll be there?"
Adrien smiled at his friend. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Y/N took five deep breaths as her hand squeezed Adrien's tighter. "Well, let's do it."
The other four stayed behind, watching Y/N and Adrien slowly make their way inside.
"You Dupain-Chengs really do have a joint type, don't you?" Alya teased and they all laughed.
"That's a way to put it." Marinette laughed, glancing at Luka, "I've changed my type though, let's hope she doesn't do the same."
They all laughed, meanwhile, Y/N and Adrien had managed to cross the threshold of the complex, but Y/N was becoming panicked, her breathing speed increasing.
Adrien muttered several profanities as he grabbed her hands, standing in front of her, looking into her eyes. 

"Y/N, it's okay, I'm right here. C'mon, you can do this," Adrien bit his lip, trying his best to remember the techniques he had seen models use multiple times before walking the runway. "C'mon Y/N, tell me 5 things you can see."
"I-I" she stuttered as her eyes danced around, "Your green eyes, the-the pool, the diving plank, the-the door to the lockerrooms and-and" Y/N paused, looking around for something else, her breathing quickening again. Adrien shook her slightly, encouraging her, "C'mon Y/N, you're doing Great! You can do this! Only one more thing!"
"I-I... Your shirt." Y/N stuttered and Adrien smiled.
"You did great! Now tell me 4 things you can feel."
"Y-your pulse in your wrist, t-the weight of my b-bag, f-fear and, and t-the smell of your c-cologne."
Adrien smiled as he watched Y/N calm down, "Alright, that was great! Now for last," Y/N nodded as Adrien went on, "I want you to tell me three things you can smell."
"Chlorine, a-and vanilla and, and strawberry."
Adrien smiled, "Do you know who I am?"
Adrien smiled. Y/N would be fine.
"Yup, that's me. Are you feeling better?"
Y/N nodded slowly. "Thank you." Y/N gripped her bag harder. "I should, should go put on my swimsuit."
Adrien nodded, "Can we just wait so your sister and Alya can go in with you? Just so you're not alone."
Y/N nodded as their friends approached them.
"Are you ready Y/N?" Marinette asked as she linked her arm with her sister's. Y/N nodded and smiled at her friends, letting Alya and Marinette guide her to the locker rooms.

They got dressed relatively fast, with Alya and Marinette watching Y/N carefully to ensure she was okay.
When they got out of the locker rooms, the guys were already waiting for them, and Adrien was quick to come to Y/N's side.
Marinette looked at her sister, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Y/N nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, I gotta get back there. I can't let fear overtake me."
Adrien's heart warmed as he watched Y/N and thought about how brave she was and how proud he was of her.
"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!"


Adrien paused on a rooftop near the Dupain-Cheng residence and looked at the lights, which were still on in both girls' rooms.
Adrien placed a hand on his heart, trying his best to calm himself.
He took a deep breath. Right now, he was Chat Noir, not Adrien.
And he was there to check on a citizen whom he had seen only a handful of times.
How would he explain himself?
He could always say that he remembered where she lived from the time he had saved her from Reflekta.
Yeah, that was it. That was what he'd say.
He took a deep breath, approaching Y/N's window, watching her as she scribbled something down on her notebook as she looked at her computer.
Chat Noir raised his hand, knocking softly on her window. Y/N looked at the window, raising an eyebrow at the unusual sight.
She pushed away from her desk and stretched as she walked toward the window. Chat blushed as he saw her exposed lower stomach.
Y/N opened her window, letting the hero inside.
"Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
Chat smirked, "What darling? Can't a Knight come to visit his princess?"
Y/N rose an eyebrow, before laughing lightly, "His princess? What about Ladybug?"
Chat blushed, but recovered quickly, "Ladybug is a great friend."
"And what about all the flirting between you two?"
Chat laughed, "Last I remember, we weren't here to discuss me." Chat approached her, "How are you? After what happened a few weeks ago?"
Y/N paused for a few seconds, a motion Chat would have missed if he hadn't been paying close attention.
"I'm doing better." Y/N sighed softly, looking up at Chat, "My friends have been a lot of help, and so has my sister."
Chat smiled at her words, "I'm glad to hear!" He glanced at her desk, "So what did I interrupt?"
"Oh, not much really. I was just jotting down some topics for a History project."
Chat Noir nearly widened his eyes. He had forgotten about that damned project! "I didn't know you did house calls."
Chat winked as he grabbed Y/N's hand.
"I don't, but I'll make an exception for a girl as beautiful as you."
Y/N blushed, reaching for a bowl where she had some snacks. "Want some?"
Chat peeked at the bowl, his eyes shining when he saw the tiny croissants. He nodded, grabbing two. "Well, help yourself."
Chat hummed in delight as he bit the croissants. "Take a seat if you want to."
Chat sat down on Y/N's desk chair.
Y/N sat on her bed, "It was very nice of you to stop by, Chat."
Chat smiled at her, "Well, I got croissants, which are my favorite, so it was a pleasure."
Y/N tilted her head.
"I'm going downstairs, I'll be back in a second."
Before Chat could say anything, Y/N had disappeared. He sat still, looking around and finding several group pictures on her dresser. He stood up to see the pictures closer, and noticed, with a warm smile, that he was in most of the group pictures, and there even was one of just the two of them. It was from when Y/N had fallen asleep on top of him.
He blushed as he saw one of her at a swimming competition, but felt something angry bubbling inside of him when he saw Kim hugging her by the shoulders, completely shirtless.

"Here." Y/N said from behind Chat and he spun around, seeing her with a paper box in her hand, "My dad baked these before he went to bed, they're still warm. Take them, consider this as my thank you for the visit."
"Really?" Chat asked and Y/N giggled.
"Of course!" She said as she pushed the croissants in his direction, "We're friends now!"

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