Chapter Two

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Adrien paced in his room, as Plagg ate the stinky cheese and watched him.
"You know, pacing isn't going to solve your problems, but some Camembert might." Plagg flew and waved the cheese in front of Adrien's face.
Adrien scrunched his nose in disgust and turned away.
"Get that away from me Plagg! It stinks!" Adrien said as he took out his phone. "Do you think I should text Y/N?"
Plagg looked teasingly at Adrien. "Why are you suddenly so worried about her?"
"I don't know," Adrien admitted, falling dramatically into his bed. "I just have this primal urge to protect her and make sure she's okay."
"So text her," Plagg said with a roll of his eyes, "tell her you saw that she was taken by the villain and ask her if she needs some Camembert."
"Camembert?" Adrien asked as he looked at Plagg.
"Camembert fixes everything!"
Adrien groaned loudly. "I'll just text her."

Hey, it's Adrien.

I saw what happened today,
How are you?

Adrien locked his phone, placing it on his bed, eagerly awaiting Y/N's reply.
His phone buzzed and he shot up and grabbed his phone fairly quicker than he thought possible.

Hi Adrien!
I'm a little shaken, but I'll be fine, thanks :)
And you?

Adrien stared at his phone, completely confused. Why was she asking how he was?

I'm okay! 

Luckily I managed to stay out of trouble. 
If there's anything you need, let me know. 
I'm always here.

"Way to go, loverboy." Plagg teased with a laugh and Adrien groaned, throwing a pillow at his kwami."Oh shut up Plagg! I'm just trying to be a good friend."
"I'm always here." Plagg mimicked as he lay on the pillow Adrien had thrown at him.
His phone buzzed again. Adrien picked it up quickly.

Thanks, Adrien,
That means a lot :)
The same goes for you

Adrien smiled brightly at the texts on his phone, what was Y/N doing to him? No one made him feel like this in a while.
The last person to make him smile like that had probably been Ladybug.
He sighed, looking at his kwami, who had fallen asleep quickly after eating his stinky cheese.
Adrien looked up at the ceiling as he sighed again.
Tomorrow would be a brand new day for him, a day where he would see and do his best to interact with Y/N and check on her.


Adrien walked into school the next day, spotting Y/N with her sister, Alya, and Nino. He approached the group with a bright smile, throwing an arm around his best friend.
"Morning guys!"
They all greeted him with bright smiles, and he immediately noticed Y/N's dark circles below her eyes and the way she seemed eerily pale. She had probably not slept a wink last night. Adrien felt as if an invisible fist was clenching his heart squeezing the blood out.
Y/N was hiding behind Marinette, seeming completely frightened of anything she heard or saw and Adrien wanted nothing more than to comfort her. His friends were doing the best they could to include her in the conversation, but Y/N was too frightened and probably too tired to participate.
Adrien looked at her, and Y/N gave him a tired smile, which made Adrien's heart skip a beat.
She slowly moved away from Marinette and stood at Adrien's side. Everyone gave her a confused look, as usually she would glue herself to Mari and Alya and would stay there.

Adrien gave her a welcoming smile as she whispered, "Thank you for the text yesterday. It really did mean a lot."
Adrien smiled as he carefully placed an arm around her shoulders. "Well, we're friends, right? I'm always here when you need me, and I mean it Y/N."
Y/N hugged his waist with a smile and muttered "You can always count on me too, Adrien."
Eventually, their friends recovered from the shock of seeing Y/N and Adrien interacting so closely. They continued their conversation, and Adrien noticed Y/N was drifting off to sleep, which Marinette also happened to notice.
"She spent the night awake, I think this is the deepest sleep she's gotten in the last 24 hours."
Adrien looked down at his semi-asleep friend and smiled, ensuring he had a proper grip on her so she wouldn't fall on the ground.
"She did have a pretty stressful and nightmare-inducing afternoon yesterday," Alya remarked as she watched Y/N as well.
Marinette looked at her twin sister who was sleeping while standing, cuddled up to the man she used to believe was the love of her life. She was happy to see them so comfortable with each other.
"Well, as much as it pains me, we should wake her up, class is about to start." With a sad smile, Nino said, turning to Adrien, "Will you do the honors man?"
Adrien nodded, "You guys walk ahead, I don't want to wake her up suddenly."
Their friends nodded, and Alya looked at Adrien and Y/N, giving them a knowing look.
Ignoring everyone, Adrien waited until they left and started whispering in Y/N's ear.
"Y/N," he whispered and Y/N mumbled, "C'mon, we have class."
Y/N opened her eyes softly, seemingly surprised to see Adrien.
"Adrien? What happened?"
Adrien chuckled as he held her, not quite wanting to let go. "You fell asleep on me for a few minutes."
Y/N sighed, blushing brightly. "I'm so sorry!"
Adrien shook his head, "It's okay! Marinette said you didn't sleep much last night, so I was happy to help."
Y/N smiled shyly as she looked up at Adrien, "Should we head up to class?"
"We better, otherwise we'll get detention."

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