Chapter 5 - The News

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Clyde's P.O.V

ughhh... I really don't wanna go to school... I'm WAY too tired for this..

Me and the guys spent all of yesterday preparing Stark's Pond for Craig and Tweek's little date. We stayed up until 3am!! I barely got any sleep!

'I guess you can't really help it' I thought as I got up to get ready for school.

. . . time skip to saturday . . .

EEE!! Today's the day!! I can't wait!!! Today is the day I get to watch my friends get together! And guess whose idea it was?
ME! Clyde motherfucking Donovan!

Well really it was kinda Tolkien's idea but I came up with it first he just helped.

I would like to thank my parents, for giving birth to me and letting me accomplish this amazing goal! I miss you mama!! FLY HIGH!

I would like to thank my friends, Jimmy and Tolkien for helping me pull this off.

And last but not least, I would like to thank my gay best friends, Craig and Tweek, for being so oblivious to fall for this!

Feeling curious, I decided to turn on the news because why not? Something is always happening in South Park, and I need to stay updated!

'BREAKING NEWS: Helen Tweak found DEAD and WIGLESS in an alleyway'

Are you fucking shitting me?

Before I can even process what I just heard, I receive a text from the group chat.

SlimJim: Have you guys seen the news?

Methhead: non id dont awtch the nrew qs dcraig siadn that tisjutst a bunch fof shgt mfahgt wolkldy onyl makdn me stesss mnre

Methhead: shlud I wagcht tbeh news is ift impaiortnt

not important at all jimmy is just being dramatic

I quickly typed so Tweek wouldn't see the news

Methhead: oh owk i wasf kjust baout to ewatcgh it thanfks fmur tweklkingh me


If I tell Tweek about his mom he won't wanna go to the hangout. But if I don't he would find out later and get really pissed at me for not telling him, and he would probably whoop my ass!

I gotta talk to the guys about this

I didn't text the main gc, since Tweek was in there. Instead I texted the 'Operation: Creek' gc.


RichieRich: Isn't it obvious? We're going to tell him. He deserves to know about his mom.

SlimJim: Yeah but if we do Tweek won't want to go on the date

RichieRich: Are you serious? You mean you would rather have Tweek go on a date with Craig then know about his DEAD MOM?

SlimJim: Well yeah we spent all that time working on it just for it to go to waste? I dont think so.

RichieRich: Jimmy you're so selfish wtf??

SlimJim: I know Clyde will take my side, right Clyde?

I didn't know what to think.

ugh what should I do..

RichieRich: Clyde? You there?

SlimJim: Whose side are you on?

uhoh... I gotta make a decision fast..

I guess I'll go with.....


hey guys :3 sorry for the xtra short chapter- i kinda rushed it...

anyway idk who clyde would choose so im letting you guys choose!!!

Who's side should clyde be on?


Jimmy (pls pick this one i have an idea for it)

if yall dont respond by tomorrow im picking jimmy!!


- luna 

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