Chapter 1 - Don't leave me

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After I hung up on Tweek I started running towards his house. Luckily for me, it wasn't far away.

While I was running, I was wondering if Tweek was alright. Although he does sometimes call me, this time for some reason it seemed like it was.. different.

Usually when he calls me it's only when he is super anxious or just sad, which is a lot.

But other than that.. Tweek is pretty good on his own. He takes boxing classes so most people don't mess with him.

I arrived at Tweek's house and I remembered hearing him say "his dad didn't want visitors" or something like that. I'm not really sure because he was talking way too fast for any human to comprehend.

So, I climbed through the window using a tree that was placed conveniently close to his window.

must be the power of the wattpad gods

I tried to open the window, but it was locked so I tried to take a look through it but the blinds were closed which made it significantly harder. So, I knocked on the window, hoping it wouldn't scare him half to death.

"AGHHH, GET AWAY FROM MY WINDOW! I TAKE BOXING CLASSES!!" I heard a scream from inside, it was probably Tweek thinking i'm some sort of masked murderer coming to get him and his cute face.

When I knocked again I made sure that I made sure to say it was Craig.

Although Tweek screamed again, he reluctantly opened the blinds.

I waved to him and watched him unlock the window.

His eyes looked red and stuffy like he was crying, and that's how I knew this was serious. He doesn't usually cry, that's Clyde's job.

"Hey Tweekers, you ok?" Although he was obviously not ok, I don't know why I asked that. Actually I don't know why he even calls me to comfort him, i'm not that good at comforting people since I usually don't even show my emotions.

"DO I LOOK OK???" He said sniffling and shaking.

'wow he is shaking and twitching a lot more than usual' I thought.

"What happened?" I said with a tinge of worry in my voice

I'm pretty sure it was something about his mom leaving but I wasn't exactly sure.

"My parents got into a fight- AGH and my mother left- ACK and my- my dad did something to me and-NGH now i'm going to be motherless like clydee." He said in between sobs and twitches.

I almost didn't catch any of that because he was talking too fast but I still tried comforting him.

"Look, you have to be calm if you want to get over this."

He nodded

"So try to take deep breaths with me, ok?"

We did the deep breath thing that the author was too lazy to write and it seemed to work for the most part.

I really wanted to ki- I mean hug him but he doesn't really like physical attention and would probably slap me if I tried.

So then we just talked, not about anything in particular, we just.. talked.

After a while we decided to watch Red Racer (probably because I brought it up.)

He rested his head on my shoulder and I felt my cheeks become red.

'tweek is so cute'  I thought

Wait that's gay.. i'm not gay.. right??

Luckily, he was too focused on the TV screen so he didn't notice.

I sighed and continued watching Red Racer with Tweek.

I wish he wasn't so stupid to notice how much I fucking love him.

Tweek's P.O.V

After we were done watching Red Racer Craig decided that it was getting really late and we had school tomorrow, so he decided to leave.

Just as he was about to climb through the window, something came over me.

I don't know if it was me not wanting to be alone, or just me having a crush on him, or maybe both.

Did I mention I have the biggest crush on Craig? I've had it since fourth grade before we fought, which was when I noticed that I was gay.

"don't.. leave me..." I said quietly as I held his arm

He looked surprised but decided to stay for who knows why and went back into my room.

He looked at me like he was waiting for something and then I remembered that I didn't tell him why I wanted him to stay.

"Could you just.. sleep with me?"

Craig started to blush and I didn't know why until I realized what I said and felt my face become red.

"W-wait what I meant was could you ACK stay with me? We could have a sleepover!"

Craig then nodded slowly looking a bit.. disappointed? Whatever, it must be my imagination because i'm tired, or maybe i'm on meth or something.

Sadly I didn't have any spare sleeping bags so we had to share a bed.

We slept on opposite sides of the bed so it wouldn't be gay.. although I am gay, so it doesn't really count.

Craig suddenly rolled over and squeezed me and I screamed a bit and almost slapped him, luckily for him he was squeezing my arms. I didn't really mind him almost squeezing me to death, I really do like him.

That's probably why I always call him to comfort me, I mean, he isn't really the best at comforting people.

'This will be really hard to explain in the morning' I thought, but I brushed it off and got comfortable since that's a problem for future Tweek.


Hey guys! It's me Luna!

Sorry for the late update, my birthday was yesterday (may 1st) so it was a bit hard to update!

I might do little character intro cards every time a new character appears!

That's all from me! Bye - Luna

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