A life of secret family member

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"Talk about what?"

"Debbie, please. Where's Lip?"

"Had something to do."

"He's not coming?"

"Sorry I-I'm late. Did I miss the chow? Ooh... looks good..... Florencia?"

"Hello big brother i see you've waisted your life." I smirked then sat down

"If you called us here to tell us that you're taking Liam and Bloom and leaving again, we don't want to hear it."

"Fiona, you're upset, I get it. I was married to Frank for 18 years. I know, it's like swallowing broken glass every day."


"Oh, Lip, wonderful. We just started."

"Your mother said 6:30. You lose your watch?"

"I don't have a watch, Bob."

"What's the news?"

"Haven't opened it yet. Figured we should do it together."


"Me and Ian decided to get our DNA tests done, too thanks to Aunt Florencia on the off chance that maybe we aren't Frank's kids along with the twins."


"Yeah. We figured why should you and Bob get to have all the fun?" I handed him the twins which were opened

"Holy shit. Congratulations, Ian. Jason and Blossom You three are not Frank Gallagher's sons or daughter." The twins eyes widen as they smiled brightly

"Honestly, sweeties, I don't know. There was that week in the summer of '95 that I did a lot of PCP. And I..."

"You did PCP? Without me?!"

"Oh god." I facepalm myself gently

"You promised we would do that together!"

"Excuse me. Can we get back to who Ian and the twins's father is?"

"I like the idea of Monica cheating on Frank, you know? It really keeps my image of you right on track, Mom."

"Will somebody please tell me what we're talking about?"

"All right, the results say that you, Frank, are absolutely not my father. But my father is a close relative, most likely one of your brothers."

"Dad has brothers?"

"He has two, right?"

"Three." I said honestly i being the only girl in the family

"You know, I think I met the one that sells smoked sausage and razor blades out of the trunk of his car."

"All right."

"I-I honestly don't know."

"Are we still related?"

"Of course you are."

"Not only did you lie to me about the PC, you f*cked my brother twice! What's next? You gonna take up with a black lady/man? Oh, I forgot, that's already happened. How can we get back together now?"

"I have never, ever had any intention of getting back together with you, Frank. For Chrissake, you only tricked me into coming here to get some settlement money!"

"I wanted to see you again."

"So you pretended that she won a teddy bear?"

"You know how much I love teddy bears.'

"You and Monica are over, Frank. Me and Monica are getting married."

"Aah! She's still married to me."

"Not for long. She's getting a divorce. '

'You two are still married?"

"How can two ladies get married?"

"They're lesbians. Penetration isn't required for sex to occur."


"What? It's legal now in several states."

"Divorce, Frank You owe her at least that much."

"What about what she owes me?! She gonna leave me again with eight kids? Leave me to deal with all the shit?"

"You mean leave me to deal with the shit."

"I didn't leave you! You drove me out! No self-respecting person could stay with you, Frank! You treated me like a dog! You..." He kissed her

"Hey, hey!"

"You need to let us raise Liam and Bloom I don't care what the test results say. Liam and Bloom belongs with us!"

"Nobody's taking Liam and blossom!"

"I can't believe you want a divorce."

"Me and Bob deserve a family of our own."

"You had a family! You left it!"

"I didn't leave you! He drove me out!"

"You should have protected us!"

"I tried, but I couldn't! Fiona, if I didn't leave, I would have d*ed!"

"Oh, cut the shit, Myrna Loy."

"You have no idea what it was like being married to him. You have no idea how bad it is!"

"Yeah? Try me."

"Oh, come on now!"

"That's it." I stopped them

"Okay, she's know that he tortured you. She's know that he ruined you, but they didn't marry him, Monica You did. If you love these kids, any of them in any way, you'll leave Liam and Bloom, take your girlfriend, get in your truck and never come back." I tell her strenly

"Let's go kids." And we all leave i take the twins back to my place bath and feed them and set them to bed in my guest room. The next day while the twins did there homeworks lip texted me and Monica left Liam and left.

𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 (𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum