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Episode start-

"Vansh pov"

No one could mistake that skin colour, or that smile or her one-sided dimple, not even that little cracked voice. No one could forget those things, not after seeing her for a second or hearing her speak

That's why the moment I got her details as one of my newly employed staff with a passport of her smiling I sent David the supervisor of Sharon, the hotel she was employed in to prepare the event center and my little office for a meeting with the newly employed staff.

All I wanted, was to see her reaction, and if possible take a picture, using it as my screen saver for a year.

The moment she stepped in, I turned to my computer screen, when really I was staring at the live video clip of her face

The fact she stood with her mouth opened after stepping into the office, gave me the extreme satisfaction I needed, and seeing her moved her wig to prevent me from recognizing her made me smile and a bit curious

But what I really was not ready for, was her accepting my proposal. I never needed a personal assistant, I could handle all my affairs and 1 had) supervisors who reported to me, I just. had to see how she reacted to threats.

I took out a form for new employee and dropped it in front of her. She signed it without going through the details.

Beautiful but danh, I thought and staring at the wooden door as she walked out

I looked through her details in front of theand copied her number to my phone. Done with my agenda, I stood from my seat, ready to leave.

"Sir, we still have two more employees to interview, David said, stepping in and shuting the door behind him.

"They can keep their jobs, no need for the interview." I picked my black suit jacket that was hung behind my chair and wore


"No but David, I'm exhausted, plus I'm late for a meeting "Ok sir." He opened the door and strolled behind me out of the room.

"I just promoted Miss Ridhima  to the position of my personal assistant, so put that on record. I also need all her information e-mailed to me," I instructed, walking towards my Mercedes-Benz $450

"She is allowed to come in, at any time of the day and gets whatever she wants."

"Ok, sir."

I opened the door to my car and started the engine, David stood close waiting for further instructions

"Also E mail the details of today's
activities to me, I will be in the main office," I said. Just then, the front passenger seat to my car opened and Chris sat down putting on:
his seat belt. I turned to my playboy best friend who wore a smirk.

"What are you doing in my hotel, Chris?" I asked driving out of the gate.

"C'mon bro, you know I'm your best customer," He said, leaning forward to switch on the radio. ""

"I know that you lodge into my hotel. every night with different women, I get the you know," I said, my eyes
Focused on the mad

"I'm sure half of your income goes to my hotel." "You know, I think you are right," he said.

"I'm always right."

"No bro, you are not." He shook his heart in disagreement.

"Oh yeah? you think so?"


"Give me an example where I was wrong? I took my eyes off the road, waiting for the traffic light to turn green

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