velvety nap

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a/n: happy pride month sorry for not updating enjoy the really long chapter !!!!!!!!

"Hey, guys, now that we've had a 75-minute-long family bonding moment, why don't we share all our deepest, darkest secrets." Shoun blurted. "I'll start." He took a deep breath and began. "Recently, I have been continuously afflicted by the most horrendous nightmares. I am enlightening you with this knowledge since I have started to believe they may be premonitions, warning me of the grievous future this world will surely one day face unless- And I've been really worried about this so, like, what do you guys think I should do as I'm re-" "Ugh. Blah blah blah. Go see a therapist. I had cheese for breakfast and it's really been weighing on my mind." Eoghan announced suavely, putting his hands together in a complacent fashion. "My turn right." Erik drawled. "Ever since I was five years old I've had a subscription to Andy's Amazing Adventures magazine and I've not cancelled it yet. Furthermore, I dunno wot suede means. Is too big word." Sherman chuckled quietly. " Suede is leather with the flesh side rubbed to make a velvety nap." "Thanks!" Erik exclaimed, holding both of his thumbs up in an extraordinarily dodgy manner. "I might go take a velvety nap now!" He got up and left, heading to the dormitories for a siesta. Affter he had left, Sherman continued, a crimson blush slowly creeping up his delicate complexion with each word. "My secret is specifically aimed at one individual. Draco, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I have been utterly and soul-crushingly in love with you. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and your gorgeous eyes, stunning body and infectious personality. Each time I see you with others I die a little – as ABBA perfectly summed it up, 'I wasn't jealous before we met, now every woman I see is a potential threat'. I think of you every morning and every night and all of the time in between, that's mostly called the afternoon and evening. Many a night has been spent dreaming of a perfect life together with you, eternally. My personal hell would be a lifetime without your presence. For three years now I have been pining endlessly, so please, give me a chance, and be my Valentine?" Draco sniggered. "Fat chance of that mate." Across the room, Sherman teared up, twin streams of water trickling slowly down his face. "Thank you. Your gesture of acceptance is so kind. I am forever in your debt, my glorious angel, cast down from heaven." Draco continued, oblivious. "I, on the other hand, have no such confessions of undying desire. I possess the most awesome... EMO WOLF TATTOO!!!" As he said the last three words of his soliloquy, his voice deepened becoming the most majestic, masculine growl the gang had ever heard.

WILL SCHUESTER goes to HOGWARTS !!!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin