Corrupted By Malice (oneshot)

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A/N: This is different from my other Corrupted by Malice oneshot

In a world still reeling from the destruction wrought by Calamity Ganon, a new darkness had begun to stir. It started as a whisper, a rumor spreading through the dark corners of Hyrule. They said that a new evil had arisen, one that was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before.

At first, no one paid it much mind. After all, they had just defeated Ganon, what could be worse than that? But as reports of strange happenings began to filter in from across the land, it became clear that something was very wrong.

It wasn't until Link himself began to exhibit strange behavior that the true nature of the new evil became clear. At first, it was just little things. He seemed more distant, more withdrawn than usual. His movements were jerky and erratic, and his eyes had taken on a strange, glowing quality.

But as time went on, it became clear that something much more sinister was happening to the Hero of Hyrule. His skin began to take on a sickly greenish hue, and he started to emit a strange, dark energy that seemed to repel all those around him. He became a pariah, feared and shunned by all who knew him.

It wasn't long before Link himself realized what was happening to him. He had been infected by the very malice that had plagued Ganon, and it was slowly consuming him from the inside out. He knew that he had to do something, but he didn't know how.

In desperation, Link turned to the only person he knew who might be able to help him: Zelda. She was hesitant at first, afraid of what might happen if she tried to cure him. But in the end, she knew that she had no choice. Link was her friend, and she would do anything to save him.

Together, they journeyed to the ancient ruins of the Sheikah, seeking out their most powerful magic. It was a dangerous journey, fraught with peril at every turn. But they pressed on, driven by the hope that they might be able to save Link.

When they finally arrived, they were greeted by a group of Sheikah elders, who were shocked and alarmed by Link's condition. They had never seen anything like it before, and they knew that it would take a great deal of power to cure him.

For days, the Sheikah worked tirelessly, channeling their magic into a powerful spell that could purify the malice that had taken hold of Link. It was a dangerous process, and they knew that one wrong move could mean the end for them all.

But in the end, their efforts paid off. The spell worked, and Link was purged of the malice that had consumed him. He was weak and tired from the ordeal, but he was alive and free from the darkness that had threatened to destroy him.

From that day on, Link was changed. He knew that he had been lucky to survive, and he was determined to make the most of his second chance. He became a beacon of hope for the people of Hyrule, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always a chance for redemption. And he knew that he owed it all to his friends and allies, who had never given up on him, even when it seemed like all was lost.

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