Link Joins Ganon (oneshot)

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Link had always been a loyal servant of the kingdom of Hyrule, a fearless warrior who had fought valiantly to protect its people from all manner of threats. But as he grew older, he began to question the actions of the kingdom's rulers, and to doubt whether their cause was truly just.

It wasn't until he encountered Ganon, the ancient evil that had plagued Hyrule for generations, that Link realized where his true loyalties lay. He had always been drawn to the power and darkness that Ganon represented, and he found himself unable to resist its pull.

At first, Link struggled with his new allegiance. He knew that joining forces with Ganon would mean turning his back on everything he had ever known and loved, but he couldn't deny the thrill of being part of something so much bigger and more powerful than himself.

As he spent more time with Ganon, Link began to see the world in a different light. He saw the corruption and greed that lay at the heart of the kingdom of Hyrule, and he began to believe that only by siding with Ganon could he truly make a difference in the world.

And so, he pledged his loyalty to the dark lord, becoming one of his most trusted lieutenants. Together, they plotted their revenge against the kingdom of Hyrule, determined to bring it to its knees and usher in a new era of darkness and chaos.

As he led Ganon's armies into battle, Link felt a sense of purpose and power that he had never felt before. He was no longer just a soldier fighting for a cause he didn't fully believe in. He was a warrior fighting for his true master, a force of darkness that would stop at nothing to achieve its goals.

In the end, it was Link who struck the final blow against the kingdom of Hyrule, who helped to bring about its downfall and pave the way for Ganon's ultimate victory. And as he stood at his new master's side, watching as the world burned around them, he knew that he had made the right choice.

For in choosing Ganon, he had chosen power and purpose, and had found a true sense of belonging that he had never known before. And he would fight to protect that belonging, no matter the cost.

Link joins the side of evil ( Oneshots And Short Stories) Where stories live. Discover now