Link becomes Dark Link (oneshot)

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Link had always been a hero, a champion of the people who had fought tirelessly to protect the kingdom of Hyrule from all manner of threats. But as he grew older, he began to feel a darkness stirring within him, a darkness that he couldn't explain or control.

At first, he tried to ignore it, to push it aside and continue on his path as a hero. But the darkness only grew stronger, until it consumed him entirely, turning him into something he never thought he could become: Dark Link.

As Dark Link, he was a shadow of his former self, a twisted reflection of the hero he had once been. His powers were darker and more powerful than ever before, and he used them to wreak havoc and destruction wherever he went.

At first, he reveled in his newfound power, enjoying the fear and respect that his enemies now showed him. But as time went on, he began to feel a sense of emptiness and despair, as though something essential to his being had been lost forever.

It wasn't until he encountered the hero he had once been, the one he had fought so hard to become, that he realized the true cost of his transformation. As he battled his former self, he saw all the goodness and light that he had lost, and he knew that he could never go back to the way things were before.

And so, he made a choice, a choice to embrace his darkness and to use it for good. He became a hero of a different sort, a hero who fought for justice and redemption, even as he struggled with the darkness that still lived within him.

In the end, Dark Link proved himself to be a true hero, one who had overcome his own inner demons to fight for the greater good. And though he would always carry the darkness within him, he knew that he had found a way to use it for good, to become a hero in his own right.

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