laying 'low'

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Thomas walked into school on the Friday- most of his wounds had healed to scrapes that wold leave a few scars but at least none of them were bleeding anymore. he got a handful of odd looks from the other students but payed them no mind, he found he didn't really care.

he behaved like clockwork: moving from classroom to classroom with any of the gladers who were in the same ones as him- however he found himself walking alone down a corridor again.

for once, he just wanted to get to his lesson without anything else happening but hes been easily irritable lately if you couldn't tell by the whole locker situation. he was minding his own business when a conversation hit him. he couldn't help but overhear a small group of students talking.

"I feel like he would be terrible- probably really needy"
the boy who said it got a few chuckles ad mutters of agreement.

"bet he kisses like a wet fish."
one said making the others laugh louder.

"his fake british accent is fooling no one. just admit your not interesting yknow?"
a girl spoke up, flicking her hair behind her ear, others nodded.

"and who names their kid after a water animal- were they drunk when they did it? I mean- newt? that's a fucking weird name"

now, usually Thomas wouldn't react- he knew what a great person newt was and that all that mattered but he just couldn't do it that day- he couldn't just walk past. so he stalked over to them. it might have been petty but he smacked the books out of the closest persons hand like a high school musical bully. the papers went everywhere but thomas kept his attention at the group who held mixtures of surprise and annoyance.

"he happens to be a shucking great kisser actually and he is perfect boyfriend material not that any of you pathetic excuses for people would ever get a chance"
he half growled, they looked at him skeptically.

"and how would you know?"
the same girl asked, rolling her eyes. thomas' attention snapped to her and she visibly deflated under his scrutinising gaze.

"because im his boyfriend, if I ever hear any of you talking klunk about him again ill curb stomp all of your heads- I have no problem hitting girls if I have good reason. his accent is real unlike all of your personalities and he is hands down the most interesting person I have ever met. you all are about as interesting than a wet piece of white bread without the crusts. actually scratch that, even bread has more flavour and a personality than all of you combined now fuck off."

they scattered like mice and Thomas watched them all speed off to their respective classes- he kicked a loose piece of paper the kid had forgotten to take with him and began to storm off.

if one more person even tried to talk to him that day Thomas knew he would snap. he took in a deep breath and walked off to his lesson- the final one of the day. as he walked in he felt a few of the packs eyes on him. Jackson was glaring at him with murder in his eyes. lucky crank had already healed although he still seemed emotionally hurt, Thomas sent him a salute with a grin, Jackson gritted his teeth and said nothing. he sat down next to aris and gally- breathing in again.

"whats got you all tense?"
gally muttered

"just some little shuckers saying klunk about newt is all, I kinda lost my cool"

aris rose an eyebrow.

and he did- in specific detail, gally supressed a laugh at the bread part whislt aris looked a little concerned.

"you do know you cant stop everyone who speaks badly of newt right? I need to hear you say you know you cant beat up anyone who says something mean about your boyfriend"

he asked. Thomas blinked.

"watch me- ill fight the entire school if I have to , im kinda done rolling over and jumping through hoops."
he muttered back. aris sighed in defeat and went back to his English work, gally gave him a light punch to his shoulder and went on with work too. Thomas did the same, deciding just to lay low for the time being- even though that's what he had said to himself a few minutes earlier.

to be fair to the glader he did manage to keep his head down for almost the rest of the day- that was until he entered the changing rooms to get ready for the lacrosse game that night. the only reason he was even playing was because he had formulated a plan in his mind that needed an audience to execute. as he stripped off his shirt- no longer self conscious about how he looked, knowing that any questions the pack asked he wouldn't answer. he found it freeing.

the frequent glances and whispers from the other boys around him didn't go unnoticed but Thomas reasoned that because of his still bashed face and murderous look, no one was going to ask him about it. once Thomas had changed he sat down for a moment and pulled out his phone. messaging the groupchat to make sure they all were coming. a shadow fell over him, he cast a bored glance up.

"hey scott hows it hanging?"

he asked in a monotone voice, scott loudly sighed.

"stiles, you haven't turned up to any pack meetings recently, you made Lydia cry, because of your friends Isaac barely spends any time around us anymore and you beat up Jackson and liam.. what the hells the matter with you? why are you neglecting your pack?"

he asked bewildered, the rest of the pack aside from Isaac had their eyes trained on him.

"first off- Jackson and liam were bullying newt, whats even worse is they were targeting him because of his sexuality, secondly maybe if you guys were good friends, Isaac would've opted to spend time with you but alas- he has better friends now, right Isaac?"
Thomas had began, looking at him, the others mirrored his actions- Isaac suddenly found his shoes very interesting and exited for the pitch quickly. Thomas turned back to scott and glared at him.

"Lydia shouldn't be the one in tears considering she flipped my life upsidown and I will never forgive her till the day I die. and its Thomas not stiles. I- Thomas- don't see any of you as pack, I wouldt even labell you as my friends."

he spat, rising from the bench and stalking forward so all eyes stuck to him like glue. Thomas continued on.

"i mean- when was the last time you checked up on me? the last time you even cast me an ounce of care or time because if your heads hadn't been rammed so far up your arses then maybe you would've noticed the shift in my behaviour- even before I was taken, maybe you would've found me in time if you had even called to see how I was after not showing my face for a week. but no. so shuck you all because I have a better family now and I will never be your friend again."

Thomas had monologued, his voice rising as he powered on. the pack could only watch as anger burnt fiercely like the fiery pits of hell in his eyes. scott was at a loss for words as he tried and failed to gain composure, Thomas breathed out his nose like a bull before walking deliberately for the door, just before he pushed it open he cast a look back to his former best friend. his eyes softened a little and the anger ebbed out of his eyes, replaced with a strong look of longing and sadness

" scott im sorry because I actually hoped to keep you close, but if you cant accept the fact that I cant give you all the information you want and im not just here for research, then we cant stay friends. if you want to rebuild our friendship let me know- after a couple of days because goddamn I need to cool off"

he went to leave again before hesitating and turning back round.

"also me and newt are together and I love him, any of you come close to him with a negative iintention and I will make sure you can never walk again. Jackson knows what im on about- hes already had a taste haven't you big guy"

and with a hint of humour in his eyes he left. leaving the others in a thick silence.


scott finally managed to say.

update brought by my trusty alarm clock. had a maths exam today- safe to say i didn't pass and pretty sure the invigilator thought i was cheating.

please don't forget to leave a star and tell me your opinions (: we're almost at the end of the book acc.

secrets of hisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें