a reasonable fight

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it had been four days, each day minho would come round and make sure thomas got out of bed, make sure he ate properly, drank enough water and went on runs. they began to run together again- one in the morning and one in the evening- it was good for him and meant they spoke more. sometimes gally or frypan would join him for lunch or supper and they'd drink together in the kitchen, talking deeply. by now most of the gladers knew what had happened with lydia and after a lot of stern words and teasing they didn't really speak of it. knowing full well what a sensitive topic it was.

newt didn't come round, at least not yet- thomas would check each day but be met with no british blonde, Minho would watch his shoulders sag each time. no matter how much threatening, bribing, blackmailing or cajoling he tried newt refused to come- saying he needed a little time. 

it was on the fifth day- a wednesday- that minho barged into thomas' room much earlier than usual, the door which had been propped up against its frame was sent toppling to the floor again. thomas groaned in irritation, burrowing his head further under his covers as minho ripped open his curtains the he yanked off thomas' duvet chucking it out the window for the second time.

"minho you have to stop doing this!"
thomas yelled sitting straight up in bed. he got a cackle in response.

"come on you lazy crank, time for school- its definitely time you came back to an education you don't need, besides you need to sharpen your skills for the lacrosse match this Friday"

Thomas rolled his eyes, he didn't even wanna be apart of that. it was the last thing he wanted to do right now, he chucked his pillow at the back of minhos head as he left then rolled out of bed, had a quick shower and threw on the first thing he saw, he didn't bother drying his hair- it was hot that day anyway. when he went downstairs Minho was waiting there with a cup of coffee and a smug grin.

"to help you exist"

he mused, handing it over- Thomas gulped it all down and gave him a half assed glare before following him to his jeep.


when they arrived at school Thomas kept his head down, not wanting to bump into the pack at the moment. turns out he didn't have to worry- it was a full moon or some dumb klunk that night so only a few of them were in school.

he went with Minho to biology first- he didn't get a chance to talk to newt- then they parted ways for English. as Thomas walked down pretty deserted corridors he heard a large commotion coming from the boys locker room, he dropped his bag and silently opened the door, the voices of Jackson, liam and... newt, became audible. he froze for a moment, listening in.

"oh just shuck off already"
he heard newt yell

"no, you poisoned a member of our pack with your... you-ness so we better make you pay"

Jackson growled

"yeah we don't want you doing that to any of us now do we?"
liam added with a snarl

"theres no room for your kind in beacon hills. we suggest you pack up and leave before we make you"

Thomas stalked silently forward until the three came into view, newt had his back to the lockers and was glaring with unmatched rage at Jackson and liam- he stood his ground firmly. the two supernaturals couldn't see him just yet- if they were any good and honed their skills at all they could've heard his heart beat or his intense anger.

"oh go on, id like to see you shuckers try."
newt spat, egging them on. just as Jackson raised his fist Thomas lunged forward, tackling Jackson to the ground, they maxed with a. large thud- liams eyes widened in surprise and newt took in a sharp breath. once he got up he twisted round to newt who was watching him with wide eyes.

secrets of hisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora