near collision

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minho opened his eyes blearily. someone was in the kitchen making coffee. he checked his watch in confusion.

7:30 am

who was up and why? minho rolled off the sofa and stretched out his limbs with satisfying cracks. he looked up to see thomas busying himself around the kitchen. he looked in a little bit of a rush.

minho made his way in. careful not to wake anyone else up. he stepped over happy who was fast asleep on the floor.

"what are you doing up so early?"

he asked rubbbing his eyes. thomas jumped- not seeing him before.

"jesus. you scared the klunk out of me...i'm up for school"

minho tilted his head and looked at thomas with skepticism

"we don't need school. we know everything there is to learn in school"

thomas sighed.
"yeah but the pack go to school and it would have been weird if i just stopped going. i didn't wanna wake you guys up- you just... exist until i get back"

minho gave him a look of astonishment.

"if you have to go to that hell hole, we'll go too. we have been everywhere so far and whose gonna stop us from going huh?"

thomas grinned at him he made a cup of coffee for minhos too.

"you sure. school is the worst"

minho nodded furiously. thomas shrugged with a smile- secretly relieved he didn't have to do school alone. now the gladers were here he knew he could be spending time with them instead of the pack and that was a deal he wanted.

"i'll get the others up"

he did that by splashing water on everyone's faces with a malicious cackle each time.

"minho what is wrong with you"
gally barked sitting bolt upright, water dripped down his face. minho just cackled louder.


thomas stared at the building in front of them. he dropped his head to the wheel. the pack were waiting outside for his arrival. thames groaned loudly.

"look. they were bound to find out eventually... right?"

alby tried. thomas nodded steeled himself.

"alright. come on let's go"

they poured out the jeep.  getting ready to defend thomas. hidden knives were strapped to their body- thankfully no one was stupid enough to have them on display and probably wouldn't use them but it was a safety precaution the group had gotten used to using.

the pack eyed all of the gladers as they made their approach.

"uh stiles who are these guys?"
scott asked- he studied each of them.

"just some guys i met through my uncle. they uh- they needed somewhere to stay so... they stayed with me. uhm- bye?"

he rambled before walking past them, not giving them enough time to call him out on his bullshit. the pack still looked lost as the group walked into the school. thomas let out a breath of relief once they were out of sight- the lie had barely stuck but i did.

"right. first lesson is... english for me- your lucky my dad could get you all in. i'm pretty sure alby, aris and brenda have science. gally, minho and frypan have maths and newt has english with me."

they nodded and went where thomas told them newt joined thomas and grabbed his hand with a smile. thomas returned it and they walked to english. halfway there thomas spotted a few of the pack ahead. he quickly dropped newts hand.

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