snap out of it

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it had been a week since thomas had left that classroom, it had also been a week since he left the house, he barely left his room aside from grabbing junk food from the kitchen or using the bathroom. the gladers had began to worry heavily for him. no one could reach him as thomas' phone was almost always dead. his father had tried everything to help but nothing worked. when any of the gladers did come round Thomas would refuse to unlock his door or even respond to them. too tired to make any type of movement.

it was a Friday night when a knock came from his door. he didn't say anything. eyes trained on the empty space in front of him.

"tom? I have food downstairs if you feel like it. why don't you come out for a bit, maybe go look at the stars?"

thomas' heart clenched painfully, he remembered all the times newt would drag him outside so Thomas could point out all the constellations. He even did it in the maze. although he made his own constellations back then.

"No... sorry dad"

he felt terrible for making his dad worry, which only added to his pool of sadness. his father didn't respond, he just walked slowly away, Thomas watched as his shadow disappeared from the doorway he too in a deep breath, letting the air escape through his teeth. He let his eyes drop for a moment, just a few winks of sleep. There was another creak outside his door, His eyes snapped open instinctively ready to fight.

"dad I said no. Please don't remind me of him again"

he muttered, loud enough for the person outside to hear him. the shadow didn't go away though,

a loud crash sounded as his door was completely knocked down by a boot, light poured into his room making him squint painfully. His eyes having become used to the dark and shady room he'd holed himself within. Minho stepped through the doorway with determination blazing in his eyes. thomas' eyes widened at the unexpected action.

"I don't care if you said no. you cant refuse this offer. you are coming drinking with me right now. and that's not a request its an order soldier. get your lazy ass out of bed. have a shower cause I am not going anywhere with you when you smell worse than a griever hole."

Thomas tried to roll over and bury himself below the covers but Minho switched on all the lights and ripped the covers off of him, chucking it out the now open window.

"nope. not gonna happen. Im gonna stand here until I hear you in that shower and I am going to stay here till you get your ass up and in some clean clothes."

"I don't have any-"

he began but Minho instantly interrupted him.

"I have a pile of your clothes straight from the tumble dryer right outside the door, I picked up shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a shaver, shaving cream and deodorant whilst I was in the shops so no. you are missing nothing"

he handed it all over to a dumbfounded Thomas. he managed a nod before walking to the bathroom and closing the door. after just a few moment Minho heard the shower run and breathed a sigh of relief. he put Thomas' phone on charge- once it turned on it began buzzing with hundreds of messages from the gladers and a few short ones from the pack. Minho payed it no mind and began to tidy thomas' room for him. knowing a dirty space was the last thing his friend needed.

Noah popped his head round the door frame, only casting a short glance at the door laying on the ground.

"you got him up?"

Minho nodded with a small smile.

"yes, but... we are gonna go drinking tonight- he needs to let off some pent up steam and its one of the few ways I know how to."

noah gave him a slow nod with a concerned look.

"as long as the two of you are safe"

Minho grinned but didn't confirm it making noah take a tense breath. He left after bidding Minho goodnight. Minho got back to work on tidying the room back up, he was almost finished when Thomas emerged looking much healthier, bits of colour had already returned to his cheeks as he scrubbed his hair dry. it flopped on his face messily but he didn't correct it, instead looking gobsmacked at his now almost completely tidy room.

"you don't even do this good a job on your own room"

he murmured eyeing the swept shelves and neatly folded clothes placed where his duvet was.

"yeah... but you need a bit of TLC and I am the best at that sooo, you are so welcome"

Thomas smiled for the first time in a while.

"thank you."


"look, we are not going to fill our stomachs with alcohol until you eat a balanced meal- now I know you know how to make a mean carbonara and I may have picked up the ingredients so get to work before I hit you with a spoon"

Minho cajoled making Thomas roll his eyes.

"fine, fine!"

he laughed, yanking out the necessary pots and pans. he soon whipped up the dish whilst they sung to taylor swift lyrics

"im drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar, said im fine but it wasn't true. I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you! and, I snuck through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate, and I screamed for whatever its worth. I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard!"

they yelled within the small room, large smiles on both of their faces, Noah stood at the top of the stairs, he couldn't bring himself to go down and tell them to shut up, he was just glad his sons laugh echoed round the house again. who knew all it took was his running partner to get him up and going though.

the two ate in silence, wolfing down the meal so they could leave quickly and start the night. Minho watched Thomas closely constantly. seeing the flickers of pain or sadness that would overwhelm him every now and again before snapping back to reality before he had the chance to ask what was wrong.

Minho was itching to ask him about the whole 'lydia' drama but he could tell Thomas definitely wasn't ready to discuss it just yet. Minho definitely wanted to hear his side first, he refused to believe that Thomas, the same guy who had promised Minho he would propose to newt, the same guy that had sprinted back to them with a cranked out newt on his back, the same guy who every time he drank would profess his undying love for the blonde. would ever cheat on Newt, ever.

still, Lydia had told Isaac who had told them all that he came onto her, that she had no idea he was with Newt and that he initiated it. Isaac had confided that Lydia broke into tears, promising that if she knew she would have never kissed back, and swearing that he was the one that invited her over.

Minho didn't like her. he also didn't trust her and he kept reminding himself of this because from experience he knew to trust his gut. That could wait though, for now he needed to have a long, deep and drunk chat with his best mate.

"should we get going then?"

he asked as Thomas put the plates away. Thomas nodded and followed after. they hopped into the jeep and thomas gaped at the sight of all the drinks piled high in the back along with beanbags and blankets.

"so... where are we going for this?"

Thomas asked, suddenly hyper aware he had no idea what he had agreed to. Minho only wiggled his eyebrows.

"that's for me to know and you to find out my dear shank"

alarm clock I love you. goddamn my time management skills are shocking

anyway, sorry this isn't a 'filler' filler but it kinda is. anyway more of the actual plot soon coming. I know Thomas hasn't exactly been sad for that long but he has good friends and its Thomas. he doesn't deserve to be sad for too long.

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