Chapter 20: Shell shocked part 4

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Thyra's pov

'Okay, I don't know about any of you, but there's no way I'm sitting through that again! We have dragons, we should be out there sinking their ships.' Snotlout says while entering the clubhouse.

We gathered here after the first attack seemed to be finished. Only the Gods know how many attacks will follow before we finally win. Midnight suddenly steps closer to me, rumbling softly. 

I frown, but before I can ask what's wrong, someone else enters the clubhouse.

' hate to be the one to say I told you so but-' 

Astrid widens her eyes, Tuffnut pushes himself off the wall, I immediately move for my sword, and Toothless takes a defensive stance as everyone focuses their attention on Viggo. Talk about a dramatic entrance.

'How did you get out!?' Hiccup yells in shock.

'My friend Snotlout was good enough to allow me to use the facilities.' Viggo says, while placing an arm around Snotlout's shoulder and pulling him closer, as if demonstrating how good friends they are.'

Hiccup glares at Snotlout. 'Oh, he did, did he?'

'What? He scares me.' Snotlout quickly starts to walk away from Viggo, trying to make Hiccup buy his weak attempt at an excuse. 'And besides when you got to go, you got to go, and who knows that better than me?'

Viggo smirks and also takes a step forward, I unsheathe my sword and point it up so he won't take another step. For a moment, Viggo looks shocked, probably thinking I trusted him. Then he quickly covers it up, takes a step back, and looks at Hiccup.

'Hiccup, you must allow me to assist you for the sake of us all. The Shellfire range is over a mile, Ryker is using ships, my ships to be exact, to protect it.'

'Then we need to get past the ships.' Astrid concludes. Another attack follows, shaking the entire island. We all stumble forward. Hiccup looks up, concern and determination shimmering in his eyes.

'We better do it quickly. Ruff, Tuff, you're up.'

'We're on it.' Ruffnut salutes and walks away, her brother quickly following her.

'Thyra, could you get him back to-' Hiccup begins while pointing in Viggo's direction. I nod and he smiles. Then he walks away with Astrid. 

'Hey! What about me?' Snotlout quickly calls out.

'Why don't you look after your new best friend there.' Hiccup asks while pointing at Viggo again. Though we all know it's more of an order than a question.

'Where's the fun it that!?' Snotlout yells, sounding a tad shocked.

'It's not supposed to be fun!' Hiccup walks away, but then he quickly pops his head around the corner again. 'And I don't care how scary he is, do not let him out of your sight again.'

With that, he walks away. Snotlout groans while Viggo smirks. 

I sigh and roll my eyes. 'Alright boys, let's get going. Back to the stables, after that, I'll go help Hiccup.'

'Wait, do you really have to? Don't you need some sibling bonding time?' 

I glare at Snotlout for even suggesting it and he quickly holds up his hands. Viggo opens his mouth, but I point my sword at him. 'Not. A. Word.'

Then we walk to the stables. Viggo follows without trouble. If anyone is troubling me, it's Snotlout. He keeps explaining to me why he's having such a hard time, and how unfair Hiccup is. I try to ignore him most of the time, focusing on Viggo and playing with my sword instead.

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